Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/163

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION-JULY 22, 1946 2771 For Brazil: Pour le Bresill 3a Bpaua3iuo: Por *1 Breall: For Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republlc: Pour la R6publique Sovletique Socialiste do B6lorusaie: 3a Be.oapyocRxy CoBeTcacyM CosMa.crCTeoXcyo Pecrnyr6j sy Por la Repiblioa Soealista Sovrltica Bielorru-: · C'&.f:-stva /-f ~ ^ ^^aZ 1-- ForChile: Pour le Chilli IS

,9 L3 s^-' sa wthux 3-IXdH /- / ~-- - - Por Chile: / Far Camada: Pour 1o Canadat Por *1 CaadA: -~o^ 68706-52 -PT. Iu--11