Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/18

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-CARIBBEAN COMMISSION-OCT. 30 , 1946 in the said annual or supplementary budgets. Each Member Govern- ment shall undertake, subject to the requirements of its constitutional procedure, to contribute promptly to this fund such annual and sup- plementary sums as may be charged to each as agreed. 3. The fiscal year of the Commission shall be the calendar year. The first budget of the Commission shall cover the period from the date of the entry into force of this Agreement to and including the 31st day of December, 1946. 4. The Secretary-General shall hold and administer the joint fund of the Commission and shall keep proper accounts thereof. The Commission shall make arrangements satisfactory to the Member Governments for the audit of its accounts. The audited statements shall be forwarded annually to each Member Government. Article XVI Authority to Appoint Committees and Make Regulations The Commission is hereby empowered to appoint committees, and subject to the provisions of this Agreement, to promulgate rules of procedure and regulations governing the operations of the Commis- sion, its auxiliary bodies, the Central Secretariat, and such committees as it shall establish, and generally for the purpose of carrying into effect the terms of this Agreement. Article XVII Relationship with Non-Member Governments in the Area The Commission and Research Council in their research projects and in the formulation of recommendations shall bear in mind the desirability of cooperation in social and economic matters with other governments of the Caribbean area, not members of the Commission. The issuance of invitations to such governments to participate in conferences or other meetings sponsored by the Commission shall be subject to approval by the Member Governments. Article XVIII Relationship with United Nations and Specialized Agencies 1. The Commission and its auxiliary bodies, while having no present connection with the United Nations, shall cooperate as fully as possible with the United Nations and with appropriate specialized agencies on matters of mutual concern within the terms of reference of the Commission. 2. The Member Governments undertake to consult with the United Nations and the appropriate specialized agencies, at such times and in such manner as may be considered desirable, with a view to defining the relationship which shall exist and to ensuring effective cooperation between the Commission and its auxiliary bodies and the appropriate 2623 Budgetary period. Audit of accounts.