Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/430

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-INT . REFUGEE ORGANIZATION-DEC. 16, 1946 registration and classification; the care and assistance; the legal and political protection; the trans- port; and the re-settlement and re-establishment, in countries able and willing to receive them, of persons who are the concern of the Organization under the pro- visions of Annex I. Such func- tions shall be exercised with a view: (a) to encouraging and assist- ing in every way possible the early return to their country of nationality, or former habitual residence, of those persons who are the concern of the Organi- zation, having regard to the principles laid down in the reso- lution on refugees and displaced persons adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 12 February 1946 (Annex III) and to the principles set forth in the Preamble, and to promoting this by all possible means, in particular by provid- ing them with material assist- ance, adequate food for a period of three months from the time of their departure from their present places of residence pro- vided they are returning to a country suffering as a result of enemy occupation during the war, and provided such food shall be distributed under the auspices of the Organization; and the necessary clothing and means of transportation; and (b) with respect to persons for whom repatriation does not take place under paragraph 1 (a) of this article to facilitating: (i) their re-establishment in countries of temporary residence; (ii) the emigration to, re- settlement and re-establish- ment in other countries of individuals or family units; and (iii) as may be necessary and practicable, within avail- able resources and subject to the relevant financial regu- lations, the investigation, pro- motion or execution of projects of group re-settlement or large-scale re-settlement. (c) with respect to Spanish Republicans to assisting them to establish themselves tem- porarily until the time when a democratic regime in Spain is established. 2. For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the Organization may engage in all appropriate activities, and to this end, shall have power: (a) to receive and disburse private and public funds; (b) as necessary to acquire land and buildings by lease, gift, or in exceptional circum- stances only, by purchase; and to hold such land and buildings or to dispose of them by lease, sale or otherwise; (c) to acquire, hold and con- vey other necessary property; (d) to enter into contracts, and undertake obligations; in- cluding contracts with Govern- ments or with occupation or control authorities, whereby such authorities would continue, or undertake, in part or in whole, the care and maintenance of refugees and displaced per- sons in territories under their authority, under the supervision of the Organization; (e) to conduct negotiations and conclude agreements with Governments; (f) to consult and co-operate Pot, p. 3048. Pot, p. 30. 3039