Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/525

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62 STAT.] CBA-WEATHER STATIONS-Aug. 21 , 194 3137 STATIONSJan. 27, 1948 Norteamerica en Cuba, sobre la continuaci6n del funcionamiento de la estaci6n de radiosonda de La Habana, de acuerdo con el anterior Convenio del afio 1944, asi como para la situaci6n de analogo servicio en la ciudad de Camagiey, recomendandose, por tanto, se le haga saber al Sr. Subsecretario de Estado, a los efectos de los tramites necesarios para que dicho Convenio entre en vigor con la brevedad solicitada" ". Lo que me complazco en transcribir a usted, en relaci6n con su atento escrito de fecha 10 del actual, Registro de Salida ndmero 494, de caracter urgente, para su conocimiento y efectos procedentes. De usted atentamente, SMV. SALVADOR MENENDEZ VILLOCH, M. N. y M . Ministro de DeJensa Nacional. Translation REPUBLIC OF CUBA MINISTBY OF STATE 200 The Ministry of State presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America and, with reference to previous corre- spondence concerning the Embassy's courteous note verbale No. 816 of December 17 last,['] referring to a Memorandum-Agreement on the establishment of radiosonde meteorological stations, has the honor to transmit herewith a copy of communication No. 1354 of the 21st instant from the Minister of National Defense, containing the text of a written statement of the Commodore Chief of the General Staff of the Navy concerning the matter. The Ministry of State renews to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurance of its highest consideration. Habana, January27, 1948. [SEAL] NAVAL AFFAIRS HABANA, January21, 1948 THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE, Ministry of State, City. No. 1354 "URBENT" SIR: The Commodore Chief of the General Staff of the Navy, in a written communication dated the 19th instant, informs this Office as follows: "I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your urgent communi- cation dated the 15th instant, outgoing file number 798, and, with reference to its contents, I am happy to inform you that the General Staff considers acceptable in all respects the project and the conditions laid down in the Memorandum-Agreement annexed to Note No. 561 An, p. 3134 1 Not printed.