Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/705

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62 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION-JULY 5, 1947 ARTICLE 32. Equivalents. In each country of the Union, the postage rates are fixed according to equivalents corresponding as exactly as possible to the value of the franc in the money of that country. ARTICLE 33. Forms. Language. 1. The forms used by the Administrations in their reciprocal rela- tions shall be drawn up in the French language, with or without an interlinear translation in another language, unless the Administra- tions concerned arrange otherwise by direct agreement. 2. The forms used by the public shall include an interlinear trans- lation in the French language when they are not printed in that language. 3. The texts, colors and dimensions of the forms mentioned in Sections 1 and 2 shall be those prescribed by the Regulations of the Convention and of the Agreements. 4. Administrations may agree as to the language to be employed for official correspondence in their reciprocal relations. ARTICLE 34. Postal identity cards. 1. Any Administration may issue, to persons who apply for them, postal identity cards valid as proof of identity for all post-office business in the countries which have not given notice of their refusal to admit them. 2. The Administration issuing a card is authorized to collect a charge therefor not exceeding 70 centimes. 3. Administrations are released from all responsibility when it is proved that a mail article was delivered or a money order paid upon presentation of a valid card. Neither are they responsible for the consequences of loss, theft or fraudulent use of a valid card. 4. The card is valid for three years from the date of issue. TITLE III. Provisions Concerning Postal Correspondence. CHAPTER I. General Provisions. ARTICLE 35. Articles of correspondence. The term articlesof correspondenceapplies to letters, single and reply- paid post cards, commercial papers, prints, raised print for the blind, samples of merchandise, small packets, and Phonopost articles. Issuance. Charge. Releasefrom respon- sibility. Validity. 3319