Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/720

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. as conveyance effected between two offices of one and the same country through the intermediary of services of another country, is considered as a third service. 5. Small packets, newspapers or packages of newspapers and period- icals sent by virtue of the Agreement concerning subscriptions to newspapers and periodicals, as well as insured boxes sent by virtue of the Agreement concerning insured letters and boxes, are considered as other articles in regard to transit. 6. Missent dispatches are considered, in regard to the payment of transit charges, as if they had followed their normal route. ARTICLE 68. Exemptionfrom transitcharges. The following are exempt from all territorial or maritime transit charges: The correspondence sent free of postage mentioned in Article nte, p. 3326 . 52; reply post cards returned to the country of origin; redirected articles; returned undeliverable articles; return receipts; money orders; and all other documents relating to the postal service, par- ticularly correspondence relative to postal checks. ARTICLE 69. Eztraordinaryservices. The transit charges specified in Article 67 do not apply to trans- portation by means of extraordinary services specially created or maintained by one Administration at the request of one or more other Administrations. The conditions for that class of conveyance are fixed by mutual agreement between the Administrations concerned. ARTICLE 70. Payments and accounts. 1. The cost of transit is borne by the Administration of the country of origin. 2. The general accounting for such charges is effected on the basis of statistics taken once every three years, during a period of fourteen days. That period is extended to twenty-eight days for dispatches exchanged less than six times a week through the services of any country. The Regulations fix the period and the duration of the application of the statistics. 3. When the annual balance between two Administrations does not exceed 25 francs, the debtor Administration is exempted from any payment. 4. Any Administration is authorized to submit to a board of arbi- trators for consideration the results of statistics which, in its opinion, differ too greatly from reality. Such arbitration is effected in accord- Ante, p. 3312. ance with the provisions of Article 12. 5. The arbitrators are authorized to determine the proper amount of transit charges to be paid. 3334