Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/758

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3372 Ante, p. 3262 . Report of proceed- ings. Ante, p. 3283. Transmittal to coun- try of origin. Ante, p. 3264 . Details required. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [62 STAT. ARTICLE 144. Employment of postage stamps presumed to befraudulent or of counterfeit impressions of stamping machines or printed indicia. 1. Subject expressly to the provisions of the legislation of each country, the following procedure is followed for establishing the use, for the prepayment of postage, of fraudulent postage stamps or counter- feit impressions of stamping machines or printed indicia: (a) When the presence on any article of a fraudulent stamp (coun- terfeit or already used) or of counterfeit impressions of stamping machines or printed indicia is detected upon dispatch, the stamp or impression is not altered in any way, and the article, accompanied by a form in conformity with Form C 10 hereto appended, is addressed under official registered cover to the office of destination. A copy of the form is transmitted to the Administrations of the countries of origin and destination, for their information. (b) The article is not delivered to the addressee, who is summoned to establish the violation, unless he pays the postage due, makes known the name and address of the sender, and places at the disposal of the post office, after having taken note of the con- tents, either the entire article, if it is inseparable from the evidence of the violation, or the part of the article (envelope, wrapper, part of letter, etc.) which contains the address and the impression or stamp reported as fraudulent. The result of the summons is set forth in a report of proceedings conforming to Form C 11 hereto appended, signed by the postal agent and the addressee. If the latter refuses, the fact is stated in that document. 2. The report is transmitted, with supporting papers, under official registration, to the Administration of the country of origin, which takes the necessary action thereon in accordance with its legislation. 3. Administrations whose legislation does not permit the procedure contemplated in Section 1, letters (a) and (b) above shall give notice of the fact to the International Bureau for the information of the other Administrations. TITLE V. Exchange of Mails. SOLE CHAPTER. ARTICLE 145. Letter bills. 1. The letter bills accompanying the dispatches are in conformity with Form C 12 hereto appended. They are placed in blue envelopes bearing in large characters the indication Feuille d'avis (letter bill). 2. The dispatching office fills in the letter bill with all the details called for by the text, observing the following provisions: