Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/809

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62 STAT.] KOREA-FINANCIAL AND PROPERTY SETTLEMENT-SEPT. 11,1948 of the courts, together with all improve- ments on and additione to such property, all cash and bank deposits of the United States Army Military Government in Korea and of the South Korean Interim Government all equipment, supplies, and other property held by the depart- ments, offices and agencies of the United States Army Military Govern- ment in Korea and of the South Korean Interti Government, including all re- lief and rehabilitation supplies here- tofore furnished to the Korean economy by the Government of the United States of America. ilitary property of the Oovernment of the United States of America furnished to the Korean Con- stabulary, Police, or Coast Guard will be transferred to the Govern- ment of the Bepublic of Korea from time to time as authority for such transfer is given by the Government of the United States of America to its representative in Korea. Such transfers of military property shall be accomplished through the Office of the Foreign Liquidation Co-mis- sioner of the United States Depart- sent of State and in accordance with separate agreements to be entered in- to between said Forefgn Liquidation -aX ~a A-r e~ ,bt -~ - ,~


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