Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/866

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3481 62 STAT.] ITALY-PASSPORT VISAS-SEPT. 28 , 29, 1948 Translation MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS D.G.E. - Aliens 04165/30 NOTE VERBALE The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to communicate to the Embassy of the United States of America that the Italian Gov- ernment has decided to abolish, beginning November 1 next, the visa on passports of American citizens who intend to pass through Italy or sojourn there for a period not exceeding three consecutive months. The competent authorities of the Security Police may grant exten- sions of the residence permit, at the request of the persons concerned, for a maximum period of three months. United States citizens who intend to remain in Italy for a longer or indefinite period must provide themselves, before beginning the trip, with a visa which will be granted by Italian representatives abroad after consultation with the competent central authority. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs was pleased to learn from the American Embassy's pro memoria, no. 308 of June 27,1947, and from subsequent communications, that its Government is prepared to grant to Italian citizens intending to go to the United States for a temporary stay non-immigrant visas valid for presentation at a port of disem- barkation one or more times in a two-year period. Such visa will have the validity of the passport on which it is placed for a maximum period of two years. The Italian central authorities will make their decision known with reference to the applications of United States citizens for a long stay within two months after receipt of the respective applications. It would be appreciated if, within the same period, the consuls of the United States of America would undertake to accept the applications of Italian citizens desiring to obtain a non-immigrant visa or make known their reasons in case of refusal. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the honor to request the Em- bassy of the United States of America to make its views known with respect to the provisions alluded to above and to communicate the date of entry into force. RoME, September 28, 1948 MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS The Embassy of the United States of America Rome