Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/965

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62 STAT.] U. K. -U . S . EDUCATIONAL COMMISSION-SEPT. 22 , 1948 ARTICLE 12 The principal office of the Commission shall be in London: but the meetings of the Commission and any of its committees may be held in such other places as the Commission may from time to time determine, and the activities of any of the officers or staff of the Commission may be carried on at such places as may be approved by the Commission. 3581 Principal office, etc. ARTICLE 13 The Executive Officer shall be responsible for the direction and su- pervision of the programmes and activities of the Commission in accordance with the resolutions and directives of the Commission. Executive Officer. ARTICLE 14 In the present Agreement: (a) The term "Secretary of State of the United States," wherever used, shall be understood to mean the Secretary of State of the United States of America or any officer or employee of the Government of the United States designated by him to act in his behalf; (b) The term "United Kingdom" shall mean the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the term "Colonial Dependencies" shall mean the territories to which the present Agreement may have been extended under Article 17; and (c) The term "citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies" shall mean (i) citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies as de- fined in legislation in force in the United Kingdom from time to time, and (ii) other persons belonging to the Colonial Dependencies. ARTICLE 15 The present Agreement shall be reviewed by representatives of the contracting Governments before 31st December, 1951, and may be amended at any time by exchange of notes between the contracting Governments. ARTICLE 16 The present Agreement shall come into force upon the date of signature. ARTICLE 17 (a) The Government of the United Kingdom may at the time ot signature or at any time thereafter by notification given to the Govern- ment of the United States declare that the present Agreement shall extend to any of the territories for whose international relations it is responsible, and the Agreement shall, from the date of receipt of the notification, or from such other date as may be specified in the notifica- tion, extend to the territories named therein. "Secretary of State of the United States." "United Kingdom." "Citizens of the United Kingdom and Colonies. " Review; amend- miont. Entry into force. Extension to certain territories.