Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 62 Part 3.djvu/988

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2 STAT. X IO Jan 21, 1194 62 STAT.] ECUADOR-AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION-Jan- 26,1948 Apr. 16, 1948 Agreement between the United States of America and Ecuador respecting an agriculturalexperiment station in Ecuador, superseding the memo- randum of understanding of August 12, 1942. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Quito January26 and April 16, 1948; entered into force April 16, 1948. The American Ambassador to the EcuadoranMinisterforForeignAfairs No. 26 3605 January 26, and April 16, 1948 [T. I. A. S. 1875 QUITO, January 26, 1948 EXCELLENCY: With reference to conversations between representatives of the Government of the United States of America and representatives of the Government of Ecuador with regard to the desirability of com- pleting the establishment and continuing the operation of a coopera- tive agricultural station in Ecuador, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the United States of America is prepared to give effect to an agreement in the following terms: MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND THE GOVERNMENT OF ECUADOR REGARDING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF A COOPERATIVE AGRICULTURAL STATION IN ECUADOR In conformity with the desire of the Government of Ecuador that Ecuadoran Agricul- rural Station. the Government of the United States of America continue to cooperate with the Government of Ecuador in completing the establishment and continuing the operation of an agricultural station program in Ecuador, henceforth known as the Ecuadoran Agricultural Station (hereinafter referred to as the Station), for the purpose of promoting the produc- tion of basic and strategic agricultural products, the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Ecuador have reached the following understanding: 1. The general functions of the Station shall continue to be: (a) tFulction of Sta- agronomic production investigations necessary to permanent agricul- ture in Ecuador with complementary products, particularly cacao, rubber, barbasco, pyrethrum, and cinchona as cash crops; (b) assist- ance in the establishment of approved agricultural practices by agri- cultural extension work as liaison between the Station and private farmers; (c) the propagation of planting material for distribution to farmers; (d) cooperation with other agricultural institutions of the Western Hemisphere in the promotion of tropical agriculture through consultation and exchange of propagating material, scientific informa- tion, and personnel; and (e) cooperation with public health, coloniza- tion, and agricultural rehabilitation agencies of the United States of America, Ecuador, and the Western Hemisphere in the development of agriculture in Ecuador.