Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1057

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 retired pay (where retirement has been made on account of physical disability or age) from the Government of the United States: Pro- vided, That nothing in this section or any other provision of law shall be so construed as to prevent the application of funds to the pay, allowances, or travel of any member of the Air National Guard, Air Force Reserve, Army National Guard, Organized Reserve Corps, Naval Reserve, or Marine Corps Reserve, who may waive or relinquish said pension, retirement pay, disability allowance, or disability com- pensation (where such disability is of such degree as not to prevent acceptance for active Federal duty) for the periods of active duty, field training, instruction, other duty, or drill, for which he may be entitled to receive compensation pursuant to law: Provided further, That adjutants general who may be drawing such emoluments may be continued in a federally recognized status without pay under this Act. SEC. 611. After June 30, 1949, paid occupancy of the hotel on the grounds of the United States Military Academy on a rental basis by personnel of the services mentioned in the title of the Pay Readjust- ment Act of 1942 or by their dependents shall not deprive such personnel of money allowances for rental of quarters. The Act of June 302 1949 (Public Law 154), as amended, making temporary appropriations for the fiscal year 1950 shall not be con- strued to have in any manner suspended the operation of the Act of July 2, 1945 (Public Law 120, Seventy-ninth Congress), authorizing military personnel to occupy certain Government housing facilities on a rental basis without loss of rental or quarters allowance. SEC. 612. Such military and naval personnel as may be detailed for duty with agencies not a part of the National Military Establishment on a reimbursement basis may be employed in addition to the numbers otherwise authorized and appropriated for. SEC. 613. No collection or reclamation shall be made by the United States on account of any money paid to assignees, transferees, or allottees, or to others for them, under assignments, transfers, or allotments of pay and allowances made under authority of law where liability might exist with respect to such assignments, transfers, or allotments or the use of such moneys, because of the death of assignors, transferors, or allotters. SEC. 614. Appropriations contained in this Act shall be available for insurance of official motor vehicles in foreign countries, when required by laws of such countries; payments in advance of expenses determined by the investigating officer to be necessary and in accord with local custom for conducting investigations in foreign countries incident to matters relating to the activities of the department con- cerned; and all necessary expenses, at the seat of government of the United States of America or elsewhere, in connection with (1) instruc- tion and training, including tuition, not otherwise provided for, of civilian employees, (2) printing and binding, communication and other services and supplies as may be necessary to carry out the pur- poses of this Act, and (3) health programs as authorized by law (5 U. S. C. 150). SEC. 615. The appropriations contained in this Act for the Air Force, Navy, and for the Army, which are available for the procurement or manufacture of supplies, materials, and equipment of special or tech- nical design may be used for the development and procurement of gages, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, production studies, factory plans, and other production data, including specifica- tions and detailed drawings, and for the purchase of copyrights and letters patent, applications therefor, and licenses thereunder pertaining 1019 Status of adjutants general. Allowancesforrental of quarters. 56 Stat. 359. 37 U. S. a. «0101- 120; Supp. II , §lOlb et seq. Ante, pp . 839, 840. Ante, p. 404 . 59 Stat. 316. 37U.S.C.§lla. Detail of personnel Reclamation of cer- tain payments, restric- tion. Availability of ap- propriatlons. 60 Stat. 903. Gages, dies, jigs, etc.