Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1060

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1022 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 787-OCT. 29, 1949 [63 STAT. fiscal year shall be available for expenses of temporary duty travel of military personnel and for travel expenses of civilians (other than on permanent change of station) traveling in connection with the activities of the Air Force. Post exchanges, etc. SEC. 626. No part of any Air Force or Army appropriation made by this Act shall be used in any way to pay any expense in connection with the conduct, operation, or management of any post exchange, branch exchange, or subexchange within any State, Territory, or the District of Columbia, save and except for real assistance and con- venience under such regulations as the Secretary of the department concerned may prescribe, to such personnel as are now or may be hereafter authorized by law and regulation to purchase subsistence stores or other supplies and to civilians employed or serving at military posts in supplying them with articles of small personal needs, not Certification on similar to those furnished by the Government: Provided, That the commanding officer of the post at which any such exchange is situated shall certify on the monthly report of the post-exchange council that such exchange was, during the period covered by such report, operated Isolated pots. in compliance with this section: Providedfurther, That at posts iso- lated from a convenient market the Secretary of the department concerned may broaden the nature of the articles to be sold. SEC. 627. Provisions of this Act granting authority to the Depart- ment of the Army or the Secretary of the Army, or referring to mili- tary or civilian personnel of the Department of the Army, shall be applicable to the Department of the Air Force, the Secretary of the Air Force, and military or civilian personnel of the Department of the Air Force with respect to funds allocated or otherwise made avail- able from Army appropriations to or for the Department of the Air Transfer of funds. Force or personnel thereof: Provided, That amounts transferred to the Department of the Air Force under section 306 of the National 61 Stat. upp. Security Act of 1947 (Public Law 253, approved July 26, 1947) shall 5UC, u626d. be available for personal services at the seat of Government without regard to the availability of such funds for that purpose under appli- cable provisions and restrictions of this Act. Transer of foreign SEC. 628. Appropriations for the Navy for the current fiscal year shall be available for expenses in connection with the transfer to the United States of foreign vessels, including pay, subsistence, trans- portation, and repatriation of alien crews; expenses including those heretofore incurred incident to the operation by the Navy of private plants taken over at the direction of the President, and the Secretary of the Navy may designate any naval appropriation to be charged with such expenses, proper adjustment to be made on the basis of final costs between applicable appropriations; payment of rewards, as authorized by law, for information leading to the discovery of missing naval property or the recovery thereof and contributions for the support of schools for dependents of military and civilian personnel of the National Military Establishment as authorized by section 13 of 60 Stat. 85 . the Act of August 2, 1946 (5 U. S. C. 421d). Canal oiprequire SEC. 629. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall ment. be used directly or indirectly, except for temporary employment in case of emergency, for the payment of any civilian for services ren- dered by him on the Canal Zone while occupying a skilled, technical, clerical, administrative, executive, or supervisory position unless such person is a citizen of the United States of America or of the Republic pana an citizen. of Panama: Provided, however, (1) That, notwithstanding the pro- 48 u. . c. 1307 vision in the Act approved August 11, 1939 (53 Stat. 1409), limiting employment in the above-mentioned positions to citizens of the United States from and after the date of approval of said Act, citizens of bLitatlononnum Panama may be employed in such positions; (2) that at no time shall