Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/109

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , 1 ST SESS.-CH. 128-MAY 19, 1949 thereof, provided that if it is constitutionally impossible to appoint a legislator as a commissioner from such state, the second member shall be appointed in such manner as may be established by law. The third shall be a citizen who shall have a knowledge of and interest in the marine fisheries, to be appointed by the governor. This com- mission shall be a body corporate with the powers and duties set forth herein. ARTICLE IV The duty of the said commission shall be to make inquiry and ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing about the conserva- tion and the prevention of the depletion and physical waste of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, of the Gulf Coast. The com- mission shall have power to recommend the coordination of the exer- cise of the police powers of the several states within their respective jurisdiction to promote the preservation of these fisheries and their protection against overfishing, waste, depletion or any abuse what- soever and to assure a continuing yield from the fishery resources of the aforementioned states. To that end the commission shall draft and recommend to the governors and legislatures of the various sig- natory states, legislation dealing with the conservation of the marine, shell and anadromous fisheries of the Gulf seaboard. The commission shall from time to time present to the governor of each compacting state its recommendations relating to enactments to be presented to the legislature of that state in furthering the interest and purposes of this compact. The commission shall consult with and advise the pertinent administrative agencies in the states party hereto with regard to problems connected with the fisheries and recommend the adoption of such regulations as it deems advisable. The commission shall have power to recommend to the states party hereto the stocking of the waters of such states with fish and fish eggs or joint stocking by some or all of the states party hereto and when two or more states shall jointly stock waters the commission shall act as the coordinating agency, for such stocking. ARTICLE V The commission shall elect from its number a chairman and vice- chairman and shall appoint and at its pleasure remove or discharge such officers and employees as may be required to carry the provisions of this compact into effect and shall fix and determine their duties, qualifications and compensation. Said commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business. It may establish and maintain one or more offices for the transaction of its business and may meet at any time or place but must meet at least once a year. ARTICLE VI No action shall be taken by the commission in regard to its general affairs except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the whole num- ber of compacting states. No recommendation shall be made by the commission in regard to any species of fish except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the compacting states which have an interest in such species. The commission shall define what shall be an interest. ARTICLE VII The Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the Interior Fish and Wldle of the Government of the United States shall act as the primary rchagency. 71