Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1297

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PROCLAMATIONS-MAR. 8, 1949 Republic of Chile will become a contracting party to said general agreement on March 16, 1949; WHEREAS (7) I, Harry S. Truman, President of the United States of America, determine that the application of each of the con- cessions provided for in part I of schedule XX of said general agree- ment which were withheld from application in accordance with article XXVII of said general agreement by said proclamation of December 16, 1947 as are identified in the following list is required or appropriate to carry out, on and after March 16, 1949, said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation: Item (paragraph) 745------------------ 752 [first]-------------- 765 -- ----------------- 767 ------------- 770 [first] -------- --- 770 [second] ---------- 1658 ------------------ 1698

1766 ----- ------------ Determination of the President. 81 Stat., Pt. 5, p. A1157. 61 Stat. , Pt. 6, p. A70. 61 Stat. 1103. Ante, p. 1261. Rates of duty Y4 per lb. 17f2% ad val. [first such rate]. 17Y2% ad val. [second such rate]. 2¢ per lb. 10Y per lb. [first such rate]. Y4 per lb. 1%34per lb. 34 per lb. Free. Free. Free, identified only as to sodium nitrate, crude or refined. (section) 312-------------------- Exempt from duty and import tax, subject to the provisions of section 312, Tariff Act of 1930. Rates of import tax 3425 [first] ------------ 2f per lb. on the copper contained therein. 3425 [second] -------- - 1Y per lb. 3425 [third]------------ 1 2 % ad val. or %¢ per lb., whichever is the lower; WHEREAS (8) I determine that, in view of the determination set forth in the 7th recital of this proclamation, and in view of the pro- visions relating to item 745 in part I of schedule XX of said general agreement which are contained in the Protocol of Rectifications of March 24, 1948 specified in the 7th recital of said proclamation of June 11, 1948, a copy of which is annexed thereto, the deletion of item 745 from the list set forth in the 9th recital of said proclamation of December 16, 1947, and such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and such continuance of existing customs or excise treatment as are proclaimed in subdivision (b) of part I of this proclamation, are required or appropriate to carry out, on and after March 16, 1949, said trade agreement specified in the 1st recital of this proclamation; WHEREAS (9) I determine that, in view of the determination set forth in the 7th recital of this proclamation, it is required or appro- priate to carry out said exclusive trade agreement specified in the 3rd recital of this proclamation that on and after March 16, 1949 the second item 765 in the list set forth in the 9th recital of said procla- mation of January 1, 1948, as amended and rectified, be amended to read as follows: Tariff Act of 1930, Description of products Rate of duty paragraph 765 Beans, not specially provided for, dried, when 2.4¢ per Ib.; entered for consumption during the period from September 1, in any year, to the following April 30, inclusive, or when withdrawn from ware- house for consumption at any time. 62 Stat. 1617. 61 Stat. 1109. Post, p. 1266. An*, p. 1261 . Ante, p. 1262 . 62 Stat. 1468, 1470. 1263 63 STAT.]