Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1331

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INDEX A Aase, Aksel, deportation suspension --- _ Aasmo, Kristian Ingvard, deportation sus- pension ---- __---------_______.-- Abbott, Arnold (Felix Arnold Abbott), deportation suspension-

___-__ Aberdeen, S. Dak., clerk of U. S. District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of------ Aboitiz, Jose Miguel, deportation sus- pension -------------- . ___ _-_ ____ Aboitiz, Maria Antonio, deportation sus- pension - ----- ___--__--__-- -- _- -- Aboitiz, Teresita Isabel, deportation sus- pension ------------ ______ _-_-_--- Aboitiz, Xavier, deportation suspension-- Abraham Lincoln National Historical Park, Ky., addition of lands to-- ------ Abrahamsen, Arne, deportation suspen- sion-__ -__ _- -__ _ ___ -__ --- ___--__ Acadia National Park, Maine, exchange of lands --------------------------- Accounting Office, General. See General Accounting Office. Accounts, Bureau of. See under Treasury Department. Acevedo, Ramona, deportation suspension_ Acosta, Anastaclo, payment to estate of - Acquavella, Antonio, deportation sus- pension ----------------------- Acreage Allotments, Agricultural Com- modities. See Agricultural Act of 1949; Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938. Acriche, Leo Abravanel (Leon Acriche), deportation suspension ----------- Acuna-Salcido, Francisco, deportation sus- Page 1222 1230 1240 471 1245 1245 1245 1245 140 1234 691 1247 1121 1219 1234 pension-------------------------- 1240 Adak, Alaska, installations and facilities, construction authorizations----- - 935, 944 Appropriation for------------------- 980 Adam, Emmanuel Konstantinos (Emanuel Constantinos), deportation suspen- sion -------------- - ---- ---- - 1247 Adamiszyn, Mary (Grazio Maria Mitola or Mitale), deportation suspension-- 1223 Adamopoulos, Georgios Athanasius (George Athos Adamson or George Athos Adamopoulos), deportation sus- pension ------------------------ 1240 81939°-50-PT . -- 82 Adams Act, appropriation for effecting Page provisions of -------------- _

330 Adams Field, Little Rock Municipal Air- port, Little Rock, Ark., appropriation for reimbursement for damage to___ 83 Ader, Charles E., payment to ----------- 1173 Administrative Office, United States Courts. See Administrative Office under United States Courts. Administrative Procedure Act: Exclusions from operation of- Export Control Act of 1949, functions under ------------------------ 9 International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949, functions under -------- 947 Veterans' Tuition Appeals Board, ap- plicability to------------------- 654 Administrative Services Act of 1949. See Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. Advisory Committee on Voluntary Foreign Aid, payment by Department of Army of ocean transportation charges on supplies from organizations regis- tered with; rate------------------- 712 Aerial Flights, increased pay for nonflying officers, limitation -- . - -- -- - -- -- 366, 1017 Aeronautics, Bureau of. See under Navy, Department of the. Aeronautics, Civil. See Civil Aeronautics Administration; Civil Aeronautics Board. Aeronautics, National Advisory Committee for. See National Advisory Com- mittee for Aeronautics. Agencies, Government. See Government Departments and Agencies; also in- dividual titles. Agreements, International. See Interna- tional Agreements. Agricultural Act of 1948: Effectiveness of provisions; amend- ments and repeals ----- _---_ 1057, 1058 Tobacco, Maryland and cigar-leaf types, price support, extension of market- ing date----------------------- 169 Agricultural Act of 1949--------------- 1051 Agricultural Act of 1948, effectiveness of provisions; amendments and repeals------------------- 1057, 1058 I