Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1352

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INDEX Arnold Irrigation District, Oreg., emer- gency rehabilitation, appropriation Page for ----------------------------- 780 Arnoso, Louis Varela, deportation sus- pension--.---------- ------------ 1234 Arozerena, Lino Goicoa, admission for permanent residence --------------- 1079 Arriaza, Dafne Raquel Alvarez, deporta- tion suspension-------------------- 1240 Arrighi, Alessandro (Alexander or Ales- sandro Arrigo), deportation suspension_ 1247 Art, National Gallery of: Appropriation for ----------------- 236, 649 National Trust for Historic Preservation in the United States, Director ex officio as member of board of trustees__

Artificial Limbs, exemption from duty if imported for personal use----------- Artigas, Jose Gervasio (Gen.), acceptance of statue of, appropriation for ex- penses----------. - ----

Astrophysical Observatory, maintenance, appropriations authorized -------- Appropriation for ------------. Asher, Vivian Catherine, deportation sus- pension--_------------------ Assuncao, Manuel Joao, deportation sus- pension------- .

Astorga, Maria Del Refugio, deportation suspension ----------------------- Atha, Miles Milton, deportation suspen- sion --------- _---.----------.--- Athanslu, George John (Georglos Athanaslu, or Athanasiou), deporta- tion suspension .- -- -. -- -- -- -- -- Atkinson, Joel W., payment to-. .. -- . Atkinson, Marguerite Anne (Marguerlte Anne Franklin Cavens or Marguerite Alice June Cavens), deportation sums 928 67 243 623 649 1234 1219 1222 1219 1222 1121 pension ------------------------- 1240 Atkinson, Stanley Reid, deportation sus- pension -- .---- _---------___---- _ 1234 Atlantic Coast Shad, study, authority; appropriation authorized ----------- 616 Atlas, Robert A., payment to ---------- 1139 Atomic Energy, Joint Committee on: Appropriation for --------------- _ 218, 252 Investigation into U. S . Atomic Energy Commission, printing of additional copies of Senate report-- 1253 Atomic Energy Act of 1946: Amendments- Military Application, Division of, appointment of Army, Navy, or Air Force officers-.---------- 762 Military Liaison Committee, com- position; Chairman; duties ----- 762 Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, nonapplicability of provisions ----- 719 Atomic Energy Commission: Page Appropriation for---------------_ 233, 633 Classification Act of 1949, nonappli- cability ---------------------- _ 956 Compensation of personnel, limitation _ 634 Construction projects, limitations--- _ __ 634 Technical and production facilities, nonapplicability, conditions ---- 947 Contract authorization -------------- 634 Fellowships, restriction on conferring on certain persons------------------ 656 Investigation, printing of additional copies of Senate report -_ _----___ 1253 Los Alamos Project, N. Mex., retro- cession to State of jurisdiction over certain lands within ----- __----. 11 Navy, Department of the, transfer of funds for replacement of facilities at Arco, Idaho--------- .-- -- -- -. 634 Report to Congress, construction proj- ects in excess of estimated costs, explanation --------------------- 634 Attard, Emmanuele, deportation suspen- sion -------------- _ --- _-- --- --- - 1222 Attorney General. See under Justice, Department of. Audited Claims, appropriation for pay- ment ---------- 88,238, 263, 748, 873, 982 Augustatos, Panagis (Peter States), de- portation suspension ------------- _ 1230 Augustinius, Jose Herman, deportation suspension ---------------------- 1234 Aureomycin and Derivatives, provision for certification under Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act ----------. 409 Austin Project, Okla., appropriation for construction ---------------------- 780 Australia, International Wheat Agreement Act of 1949---------------- ..... .. 945 Auto Mileage Act of Feb. 14, 1931, repeal_ 167 Avalos, Tomasa (Tomasa Avalos de Urquil), deportation suspension - _ 1223 Awards. See Rewards. Axer, Engebert (Rev.), admission for per- manent residence ---------. -- -. -- - 1073 Ayala, Juan Hernandez (Juan Ayala Her- nandez or Dan Hancock or M. C. Stokes), deportation suspension--- . 1226 Ayala-Serrano, Irene, deportation sus- pension-----.-------..--------. ._ 1226 B Babace, Jose (Irigoyen), admission for permanent residence; cancellation of deportation proceedings ........... Bacich, Anton Sime, deportation sus- pension ----------- . .- . Bacitracin and Derivatives, provision for certification under Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act - 1078 1226 409 XXII - ------ ----