Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1368

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XXXVIII Clerks of Courts-Continued Pag Salaries, appropriation for --------. 253, 47 Cleveland, Ohio, conveyance to Federal Works Agency in ----- ..- -- _____ - 18i Cleveland National Forest, Calif., acquisi- tion of land for, appropriation for - __ 341 Cline, Hal W., payment to ------------- 111 Clinton, Iowa, revival and reenactment of legislation creating City of Clinton Bridge Commission ----- _-- ---- --- 59, Clipper, Mike, payment to -- .- - - - -- - _ _ 1184 Coal. See Mines and Mining; Mines, Bureau of, under Interior, Depart- ment of the. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Appropriation for -_- --- --- --- _ 83, 240, 466 Bomber or fathometer reader, appro- priation for extra compensation- _- 466 Career Compensation Act of 1949. See separate title. Commissioned officers- Armed Forces Leave Act of 1946, application to; funds available-- 611 Pay- Appropriation for- -----.-- ----- Transfer of funds from appropri- ation for -------- ------ _ Heat or light, issuance in kind to per- sons on rental quarters allowance, restriction ------- ____---_ Military Academy, paid occupancy of hotel on grounds, nondeprivation of rental allowances---- ---------- Motion-picture equipment and film, provision for recreation and train- ing, authority ---. .- - -- ____ _ Pay and allowances. See Career Com- pensation Act of 1949. Retired officers commended for conduct in combat, retirement grade and pay------------------.- ___ Retirement, physical disability. See Career Compensation Act of 1949. Salaries and expenses, appropriation for----------------------- - 83, Vehicles, funds available for purchase - Coast Guard. See also Coast Guard, Title 14, United States Code. Acquisition, construction, and improve- ments, appropriation for -- _____- Aerial flights, increased pay for, restric- tion-_________________________ Aircraft, limitation on number --_____ Amendments of certain provisions of law respecting --------- .- -- ___-__ __ 466 258 559 1019 908 560 240 466 367 366 367 558 Appropriation for ---------- __ __ - 251, 365 Career Compensation Act of 1949. See separate title. Civilian employees, appropriation for- _ 367 Claims, funds for------------------ 251, 366 Coast Guard-Continued Classification Act of 1949, nonappli- cability to certain employees_____ Codification, revision, and enactment into law of Title 14, United States Code. See Coast Guard, Title 14, United States Code. Commandant, Office of, appropriation for--------------- .. - ........ _ Page 955 365 Dependents- Quarters, restriction on hiring_____ 366 Transportation, appropriation for __ 365 Eastwind, icebreaker, appropriation for conversion and repair ---------- _ 252 Fish and Wildlife Service, transfer of aircraft, vessels, etc., to, authority_ 798 General expenses, appropriation for---- 366 Headquarters, details at, restriction- . . 366 Lighthouse Service, former, retired pay- Amount for, increase---- -__--- ---_ 252 Increase for certain members ----- _ 1026 Lighthouses and lightships, civilian employees, hours of duty and pay-- 299 Military Academy, paid occupancy of hotel on grounds, nondeprivation of rental allowances ----------- _ 1019 Navigation and vessel-inspection laws, waiver of compliance with, time extension ----- _------------___ 9, 349 Pay and allowances- Appropriation for ----------- __ -- - 365 Career Compensation Act of 1949. See separate title. Public Health Service officers on detail, per diem rates of allowance, au- thority------------------ _--- --_ 365 Retired pay, appropriation for ------- _ 366 Retirement, physical disability. See Career Compensation Act of 1949. Salaries and expenses- Availability of funds for payment of claims----------- ----- -- --- 251 Restriction on payment of certain __ 367 Supply fund, charges and credits re- specting provisions ------------- 367 Transfers of funds, authority------- __ _ 367 Uniforms and equipment, furnishing at cost--------------------------- 559 Vessels. See separate title. Veterans. See separatetitle. Coast Guard, Title 14, United States Code --------------- . _ --- ---- __ - 496 Academy ---------- ________________ Administration-_ __- - __- -- _ -- Air Force, Department of the, coopera- tion with ---- __-______.--_- Alaska, appointment of officers as U. S. Deputy Marshals or U. S. Commissioners --- _- --_----_--- 508 544 506 545 INDEX