Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1424

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INDEX Hunt, Henry, deportation suspension---- Hunter, Herbert L., cancellation of in- debtedness; payment to---------- Hunter, Ramon G., payment to------ Hunter-Liggett Military Reservation, Calif., conveyance of tract of land within__________________________ Hyatt, Lewis, deportation suspension---- Hyder, Alaska, transportation to other points in Alaska or continental U. S., use of Canadian vessels, authority___ Hydrographic Bureau, International, ap- propriation for contribution_ -- - __- Hydrographic Office, funds for -------- 246, I "I Am An American Day", 1949, procla- mation --------- _------__--------- Ibarrola, Francisco Larrea, admission for permanent residence ------- _------_ Ichak, Ali (Ichak Ali), deportation sus- pension------------ _- -- -- -- _ -- -- _ Idaho: Anderson Ranch Dam, appropriation for-------_---__-___________. Arco, transfer of Navy facilities to Atomic Energy Commission-_ __ __ Boise project, appropriation for_ 86, 258, Indians, appropriation for industrial assistance ----------- _. -- -- Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ Leasing of lands granted for educational purposes, time extension in certain Page 1224 1157 1141 1208 1224 622 450 1005 1259 1079 1224 780 634 780 776 773 cases ------------- ____________ 714 Lewiston Orchards project, appropria- tion for---.----------------. 86, 780 Minidoka project, funds for_ 242, 258, 780, 781 Palisades project, appropriation for - -- 780 Pocatcllo, game-management supply depot and laboratory, appropria- tion for-- ---------------- Ignotus-Veigelsberg, Lily (Lily Ignotus), deportation suspension ----- _---- Illich, Yova (John Illich), deportation sus- pension - _-_- _ --- __ --___ ____ ____ _ Illinois: Calumet Sag project, appropriation for- Chicago, construction of superhighway through post office, agreement with Federal Works Administrator-_ City of Clinton Bridge Commission, revival and reenactment of legis- lation creating -- _------___- East St. Louis to St. Louis, Mo., time extension for bridging Mississippi at. .

------ ---

..- -- _. Shawneetown, time extension for bridg- ing Ohio River at or near-------- 796 1232 1224 246 200 597 690 592 Immigrants, Admission for Permanent Residence: Algarra de Carlos, Jose S.-- ----_ __ Andiaarena, Fermin Jorajuria ---___ _ Andiaarena, Francisco Jorajuria------ _ Aoki, Sadae-------------_ -_ - - Arozerena, Lino Goicoa -------- _____ Axer, Engebert (Rev.) -


Babace, Jose (Irigoyen) ------------ Balaz, Annie, consideration of relation- ship for purposes of immigration and naturalization laws ------- __ Balint, Mrs. Julia, consideration as non- quota immigrant .---- .. .. ... ... Barber, Manuel Lecumberri ------ _ _ - Barberena, Mateo Pedroarena-------- Bartley, Anthony Charles ----- _____- Basque aliens, certain ----------- Baumgarts, Alfred_-- --- --- --- --- -.-_ Berendiain, Jose Narvarez-------_ _ __ - Bertuccioli, Lee F., nonapplicability of certain provisions of Immigration Act of 1917 to----___-__-__. Boutant, Denise Simeon -

Boyle, John B ----- ___-- __---_- Castilla, Felipe Itturri..-_ ------_ -- Coni, Jose Zubiri .-- -- -- -. -- -- __- de Guido, Belen___

de Guido, Mrs. Justa G. Vda-____ __ de Guido, Mulia ---------------- de Guido, Oscar _..-_---------- _ De Silva, Mrs. Hilda ------------ Domench, Melchor Burusco ------- Drozd, Peter --

.- _--- Dufur, Joaquin Juanarena --------- . Echechuri, Pedro Aspiroz --. . . . -- __- Echeverria, Primitive Olondriz------ Elizagaray, Celestino Arozarena------ Elizegaray, Anastasio Barbarena ---_ - Elzingre, Ralph Martin (Ralph Seawell) - Equiza, Miguel Redin - ____...__- Esposito, Louis, cancellation of warrant of deportation ----- . __- ____._- - Esteva, Jeannette and Jesus, and chil- dren------____ ____________ __. Exposito, Antonio B. Nuin-- _ __ _. __ - Exposito, Modesto Elgorriaga -- _- -- - Exposito, Silvestro Martinex _________ Fadem, Samuel ----------- _---- Garmendia, Pedro C. Cemborain-- _ - - Gazcue, Gracian Azparren ------.. __ Grigorieff, Kira and Nina-_ __ __ ___ _- Gross, Jacob, consideration of relation- ship for purposes of immigration and naturalization laws --_ __ _ __ - Horikawa, Teiko, nonapplicability of designated provisions of Immigra- tion Act of 1924 to -_- ....- _-- Page 1079 1079 1079 1128 1079 1073 1078 1176 1098 1079 1079 1183 1079 1189 1079 1128 1150 1162 1079 1079 1179 1179 1179 1179 1202 1079 1094 1079 1079 1079 1079 1079 1095 1079 1160 1092 1079 1079 1079 1161 1079 1079 1098 1143 1150 XCIV
