Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1481

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INDEX Reasola, Antonio, deportation suspension_ Reasola, Maria Remedios Olvera, de- portation suspension -------------- Rebollar, Jesus Garcia (Jessie Rebollar or Jesus Rebollar Y Garcia), deportation suspension ----- _. .---------- Rebollo, Rafael, payment to estate of --- Recalde, Ambrosio Esnoz, admission for permanent residence -------------- Reclamation, Bureau of. See under In- terior, Department of the. Reclamation Project Act of 1939, con- tracts negotiated under, approval, execution authority---_-- ------ -___ Reclamation Projects. See Reclamation, Bureau of, under Interior, Department of the. Reconstruction Finance Corporation: "Administrative expenses"- -- ------ Alaska, transfer of trawler to Fish and Page 1246 1246 1231 1136 1079 62 375 Wildlife Service ---------------- 409 Amount outstanding, increase ------ 446, 906 Appropriation Act------------------- 374 Appropriation for ------------------ 254 Broadcasting facilities, transfer to De- partment of State -------------- 408 Directors, Board of- Chairman, increase in basic compen- sation -----------

- 880 Members, increase in basic compen- sation---------------------- 881 Economic Cooperation Act of 1948, ad- vances for purposes of ----------- 53 Florida Keys Commission, agreement respecting water facilities, safe- guarding of rights--------------- 897 Greece and Turkey, aid to, advances for carrying out provisions of Act of May 22, 1947 ------------------ 719 Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, advances for carrying out pro- visions of----------------------- 719 Oregon, transfer of trawler to Fish and Wildlife Service----------------- 409 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating --------------------- 375 Palestine refugees, relief, advances to President for-------------------- 16 Appropriation for reimbursement---- 232 Pay costs, increased, appropriation for_ 254 Pittsburgh, Pa., conveyance to Federal Works Agency in---------------- 197 Strikes against U. S . Government, re- striction on employment of persons engaging in---------------------- 375 Surplus property, limitation on use of funds-------------------------- 375 Reconstruction Finance Corporation-Con. Tarrant County, Tex., conveyance to Federal Works Agency in ----- Tin concentrates, etc., sale for recovery of pig tin ---------------- Virgin Islands Corporation, Board of Directors, membership of Chair- CLI Page 196 350 man---------------------. ----- 354 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act, Amendment, amount outstanding, in- crease ------------- _-- -- - -- ___ 446, 906 Recreational Areas, appropriation for - - 259, 792, 793 Red Cross Month, 1949, proclamation- _ Red Lake Reservation, Mont.: Chippewa Indians, Red Lake Band, per capita payments -------------- School facilities, appropriation for con- struction --------------- __ -- _ Red River, South Half, payment to Okla- homa from oil and gas royalties, ap- propriation for------ ___-_______ Red Run (Clinton River) Michigan Proj- ect, funds for----___--- ---


Redo, Waclaw, deportation suspension- __ Rees, Mina S. (Dr.), acceptance of medal from Government of Great Britain, authorized -------------- --- - Referees, U. S . Courts, appropriation for salaries and miscellaneous expenses-_ Refugee Organization, International, ap- propriation for; availability of funds. Regional Agricultural Credit Corporation of Washington, D. C., abolition, trans- fer of functions to Secretary of Agri- culture ----------- _-- - -- __ --- Rehen, Estrid Viola Margareta (Estrid Viola Margareta Tengwall), deporta- tion suspension----- --- ---. --- Reichelt, Martha Luise, deportation sus- pension ---------- .-- -- -- -- - Reichenbach, Mary Elaine, deportation suspension - --------------- __ Reichert, C. J ., relief from liability ----- Reid, John, payment to------------ Reifenkugel, Helene (Helene Bergstraes- ser), deportation suspension -----_ - Reilly, John P., payment to--------_ - Reinsma, Otte (Otto), deportation sus- pension ----------------------- Reiswig, Elsie Ruth (Elsie Ruth Kukert), deportation suspension ------- Reiter, Fanny, deportation suspension---- Reiter, John (Johann), deportation sus- pension- ------------------------ Relief Packages, payment by Economic Cooperation Administrator of ocean transportation charges, rate-------- 1259 60 241 769 848 1238 1077 473 450 43 1250 1238 1242 1099 1148 1223 1103 1250 1238 1250 1238 54