Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1487

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Sanitarium Company, Portland, Oreg., payments authorized for Alaskan in- sane patients ------__- - - __ ___ -. - - Sanitary Bureau, Pan-American, appro- priation for contribution ------ ____ Sanseverino, Guiseppe (Joseph Sansev- erino), deportation suspension------ Santa Barbara County Project, Calif, Cachuma Unit, appropriation for; re- striction ---- _------__-_____-.. -- Santa Fe National Forest, N. Mex., mining locations within, regulations; timber cutting -_ -_ __ -- --- - -_____ Santa Rosa Island, Fla., conveyance, amendment of provisions -_ __ _ __ __ Santellan-Lopez, Baldomero (Gustavo Tempzen-Lopez or Gustavo Lopez Tempzen), deportation suspension- _ Santillan, Silvia Garcia, deportation sus- pension ----- __ -- ________________ Santillan De, Rufina Garcia, deportation suspension-. . . - --- _---__--______- Santoro, Emilia (Emilia Zanone), de- portation suspension- --..- ---- __ -_ Sarkiss, Marie, deportation suspension_ Sarkissian, George (George Sarkisian or Hachig or Hatchig Sarkissian or Sarkisian), deportation suspension__ Sartuche, Bertha Reyes (Bertha Sanchez Sartuche or Bertha Reyes or Bertha Sanchez), deportation suspension- - Sassoon, Frank, deportation suspension-- Sauter, Anna (Anna Manderscheidt or Anna Jetter), deportation suspension_ Savannah, Ga., certain lands in Chatham County near, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and control ----------- ___..--___- Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, Federal, availability of funds------ Sayre, Francis B., payment to -- __---_ Scarcella, Leonardo Agostino, deportation suspension ----------- _ --- _____- Schaefer, Adelaida Santos, deportation suspension ------ -- --- -- _-- - Schaefer, John Santos, Jr., deportation suspension..-------------------- Scheinbaum, Abraham Louis (Abe Eng- lish), deportation suspension ------ Schenk, Otto (Otto Lehman), deportation suspension---__ --_ _--- ---- ---- --- Schiek, Mary Thomas, payment to------ Schilling, Franz Xaver, deportation sus- pension -----__-- -- -___- -- --- _-_- - Schjenken, Helen (Nellie Rogers), de- portation suspension - _ _ --__ ------ Schlederer, Max, relief from liability; re- payment of refunds--- -- ......... ,- Schlupp, Anna, deportation suspension__ 81939°- 5 T.I -r 92 ..

Page 799 45( 122] 779 168 921 124f 1245 1245 1226 1232 1226 1229 1244 1229 180 658 1102 1246 1229 1229 1221 1250 1210 1238 1221 1196 1242 Schneider, Abraham (Abraham Schneider Page Feldman), deportation suspension__ 1233 Schneider, Richard Georg, deportation suspension----------------------- 1250 Schneyer, Dorothy G., payment to ----- 1137 Schneyer, Ray G., payment to---------- 1137 Schoenberg, Wilhelm Heinrich August (William), deportation suspension _ - 1250 Schoneveld, Willem, deportation suspen- sion---------------------------- _ 1231 School Lunch Act, National: Agriculture, Secretary of, authority under ----------- _----.--_ -- -. 1054 Appropriation to effect provisions of--- 343 Schools. See Colleges and Schools. Schou, Svend Aage, deportation suspen- sion------____-----------------__ 1238 Schroeder, Leslie Paul, issuance of patent in fee to ----------------------- 1093 Schuylkill Haven, Pa., anthracite coal re- search laboratory, appropriation for construction; contract authorization_ 789 Schwartz, Edith Mary (Edith Mary Warry), deportation suspension --__ 1221 Schwitz, Agnes (Curtis or Moran), de- portation suspension-------------- 1244 Scialpi, Luigi (Louis Scalpi), deportation suspension--_ ---- ---- --- ---_ _ --- _ 1223 Scientific Unions and Associated Unions, International Council of, appropria- tion for contribution- _-----------_ 450 Scognamiglio, Ciro, deportation suspen- sion-____----------___

__ 1221 Scombulis Panagiotis Georgian (Peter Scombul or Panagiotis G. Schom- bulis), deportation suspension ------ 1238 Scordilis, Panagiotis Stylianos, deporta- tion suspension ------------------ 1229 Scott, Clarence M., issuance of patent in fee to --------------------------- 1114 Scott, Jack (Lt.), acceptance of gift from foreign government, authorized - - - 1076 Scott, Walter Clarence, deportation sus- pension-


1221 Sea Lampreys of Great Lakes, eradication program; appropriation authorized- 616 Appropriation for --------------- _-- 795 Sea-Scout Service, Boy Scouts of America, disposal of certain Coast Guard ma- terial to ------------- --------- _ 547 Seamen: Reconversion unemployment benefits- Appropriation for ------------- 234, 871 Time extension of reconversion period; definition of Federal maritime service ------------- 445 Relief and protection .abroad, appro- priation for------------ -------- 448 Seattle, Wash. See under Washington. INDEX CLVII . ., S . ,,.