Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/15

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS Public Law 209 __- Valparaiso, Fla., recreationalfacility. AN ACT To authorize the Secretary of the Air Force to operate and maintain a certain tract of land at Valparaiso, Florida, near Eglin Air Force Base, as a recreational facility--- - - - - ----- ------ - -- - 210 --- Officer PersonnelAct of 1947, amendments. AN ACT To author- ize the adjustment of the lineal positions of certain officers of the naval service, and for other purposes ---- _--_________- 211 -_- National Housing Act, amendments. AN ACT To encourage construction of rental housing on or in areas adjacent to Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force installations, and for other purposes -----------------. . . - -. .. .. ------ -------- 212 ___ Civil Service Retirement Act, amendment. AN ACT To amend section 6 of the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 29, 1930, as amended -- _-- .____--------------------- 213-- Submarines. AN ACT To amend the Act entitled "An Act to authorize the construction of experimental submarines, and for other purposes", approved May 16, 1947--- - _ __ ..-- 214 ___ Postal Service. AN ACT To clarify the laws relating to the compensation of postmasters at fourth-class post offices which have been advanced because of unusual conditions -. -- ____- 215 --- Insect and plant disease control, appropriation. JOINT RESO- LUTION Making an additional appropriation for control of emergency outbreaks of insects and plant diseases --- ______ 216- - National Security Act Amendments of 1949. AN ACT To re- organize fiscal management in the National Military Estab- lishment to promote economy and efficiency, and for other purposes ------------------------------ ..-.-.--------- 217 --- Bridge, Ohio River. AN ACT To extend the time for commenc- ing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Ohio River at or near Shawneetown, Illinois -------- 218 _- Prince Georges County, Md., conveyance. AN ACT To provide for the conveyance of a tract of land in Prince Georges County, Maryland, to the State of Maryland for use as a site for a National Guard armory and for training the National Guard or for other military purposes ---------------- -- ____ _____ 219 --- Canal Zone Code, amendments. AN ACT To revise and codify laws of the Canal Zone regarding the administration of estates, and for other purposes ------ ---- _---------------_____ 220 -_- Bridge, Mississippi River. AN ACT To revive and reenact, as amended, the Act entitled "An Act creating the City of Clinton Bridge Commission and authorizing said commission and its successors to acquire by purchase or condemnation and to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge or bridges across the Mississippi River at or near Clinton, Iowa, and at or near Fulton, Illinois", approved December 21 1944 . .... 221 -- _ Alben W. Barkley. JOINT RESOLUTION To provide for the coinage of a medal in recognition of the distinguished services of Vice President Alben W. Barkley .. --- -- --- ...----- 222 __ Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act of March 16, 1934 (48 Stat. 451; 16 U. S . C . 718b) as amended-------. . 223 -__ Canal Zone Code, amendments. AN ACT To amend the Canal Zone Code, and for other purposes - .- --- -- -- -- -- __ _-___ __ 224 -_- Federal Airport Act, amendment. AN ACT To authorize pro- gressive partial payments to sponsors under the Federal Air- port Act program ------ .- - - -- ____ ______- - ___ _- 225 --- U . S . penitentiary, Terre Haute, Ind. AN ACT To authorize the transfer to the Attorney General of a portion of the Vigo plant, formerly the Vigo ordnance plant, near Terre Haute, Indiana, to supplement the farm lands required for the United States prison system --------------------------- ____ ____ __ 226 -- Pueblo and CanoncitoNavajo Indians. AN ACT To declare that the United States holds certain lands in trust for the Pueblo Indians and the Canoncito Navajo group in New Mexico, and for other purposes ----

__.__.___.____._ 227 -__ Federal Airport Act, amendments. AN ACT To fix the United States share of project costs, under the Federal Airport Act, involved in installation of high intensity lighting on CAA designated instrument landing runways __________ -- -- -- - 228 --- Smithsonian Institution, paleontological investigation. AN ACT To provide for cooperation by the Smithsonian Institution with State, educational, and scientific organizations in the United States for continuing paleontological investigations in areas which will be flooded by the construction of Government dams ------------ -- ..---- -... ------. ----- Date Aug. 5,1949- _ _ Aug. 5,1949- Aug. 8,1949__ Aug. 8,1949__ Aug. 8,1949___ Aug. 8,1949__ Aug. 8,1949__ Aug. 10,1949-__ Aug. 10, 1949__ Aug. 10, 1949___ Aug. 10,1949- _ _ Aug. 10 ,1949-_ _ Aug. 12,1949- _ - Aug. 12,1949- _ - Aug. 12,1949- _ _ Aug. 12 ,1949-_ - Aug. 12, 1949___ Aug. 13,1949___ Aug. 15, 1949--- Page 566 567 570 577 577 578 578 578 592 592 593 597 599 599 600 603 603 604 605 Aug. 1, 1949 -- 606 XVI