Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/1516

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CLXXXVI Wong, Hoy C., admission for permanent residence ------------- __..---- Wong, Lin You (Lin Yao Huang), deporta- tion suspension___________________ Wood, David P., payment to ___-- --- Wood, Ralph A., payment to ------- ___ Wood, Wis., conveyance -_ __ -- _ __ _. . Woodman, Flora Eileen Katherine, de- portation suspension -- ___ ___ __ -_ _- Woodward, Okla., appropriation for con- struction of building at Southern Great Plains Field Station ----- _-- Wool, price support -------- ______-__- Woolen Goods: Foreign excess, disposal, determination respecting importation -------- __ Surplus, disposal under Federal Prop- erty and Administrative Services Act of 1949 _----__------.----- World Communism, Strategy and Tactics of, printing of additional copies of report__-----___________________- World Health Organization, appropriation for contribution ---------- ___--_ World Trade Week, 1949, proclamation- _ World War Veterans' Act, 1924, disability Pag? 1131 122] 111( 1112 683 1223 333 1052 398 386 1216 450 1269 compensation under --------------- 1026 Wornum, Mrs. Miriam G., provision for naturalization ---------------- __ -- 1160 Wright, Bennett W. (Capt.), acceptance of gift from foreign government, author- ized ----- _--------------------- 1076 Wright, George C. (Capt.), acceptance of gift from foreign government, author- ized ---------------------------- 1076 Wright, Graham Patrick, deportation sus- pension ------------------------- 1226 Wright, Lourdes Dizon, deportation sus- pension------------------------- 1251 Wright, Marie E., payment to --------- . 1095 Wu, Ming-Hua Lee, deportation suspen- sion-..------------------------ 1243 Wyman, Gordon C. (fire controlman, third class), acceptance of gift from foreign government, authorized ---------- _ 1077 Wyoming: Cheyenne, retention by Federal Works Administrator of custody and con- trol of certain lands ------------- 179 Eden project, completion of construc- tion, authorized; allotment of moneys; appropriation author- ized ----------------------- 277, 278 Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ 773 Kendrick project, appropriation for-- 86, 780, 781 La Prele unit, emergency reconstruction and purchase of power, appropria- tion for------- _ -----.--- ---_-- 783 Wyoming-Continued Page North Platte project, appropriation for ------------------------- 86, 781 Riverton project, appropriation for --- 259, 780, 781 I 703 31 773 152 Yakima Indian Agency, Wash., commu- nity hall, appropriation for construc- tion _---------------____________ 777 Yakima Indians, Wash., appropriation for industrial assistance--------------- 776 Yakima Project, Wash.: Appropriation for------------ 259, 780, 781 Kennewick division, advance plans and specifications, appropriations for__ 779 Kittitas Reclamation District, approval of contract with, execution author- ity --------------------------- 64 Prosser Irrigation District, approval of contract; execution authority ----- 943 Yang, Chao-Chen, deportation suspension_ 1251 Yang, Dzing-Tsch Shun, deportation sus- pension ----------_- - -- - .- - - -- .- - 1251 Yankopoulos, Alexander Anastasiou, de- portation suspension -------------- 1229 Yannopoulos, Konstantinos, admission for permanent residence -------- __.--- _ 1209 Yarbrough, Vera Petrorna, deportation suspension ---------------------- . 1239 Yards and Docks, Bureau of. See under Navy, Department of the. Yazoo Watershed, acquisition of lands, re- quirement of approval of County Board of Supervisors--------------- 340 Peadon, Claris U., admission for perma- nent residence ----------- _ ---. --- 1074 Yeaman, Myrl A. (chief photographer's mate), acceptance of gift from foreign government, authorized ----- _----_ 1077 lee, Gloria, deportation suspension ---- 1242 Yellowstone River, division of waters, consent of Congress granted to negoti- ation of compact------------------ 152 feulling, Joseph (Yoesef), deportation suspension ---------------------- 1251 fopp, J. Rufus, jurisdiction of Court to hear claim------


1143 ropp, Liston T., jurisdiction of Court to hear claim --------------------- 1143 INDEX School lands, mineral leases--------_ Shoshone project. See separate title. Upper Colorado River Basin Compact, consent of Congress------_ - - -- Wind River Indians, appropriation for construction, etc., of buildings - __ Yellowstone River, division of waters, consent of Congress granted to ne- gotiation of compact --------- Y