Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/232

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194 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 218 -JUNE 16, 1949 [63 STAT. quarantine station all of the Government-owned portion of the United States naval small-craft facility, also known as Lockwood Basin, East Boston, Massachusetts, comprising approximately one hundred thirty- five thousand six hundred thirty-three square feet of land, being that certain parcel of land conveyed to the United States by William J. Stober, of Boston, Massachusetts, by deed dated March 12, 1918, recorded in the office of the Register, county of Suffolk, Common- wealth of Massachusetts, and entered in book 4078, page 463; together with all buildings, structures, appurtenances located thereon, includ- ing the marine docking and berthing facility designated as pier C. Denver, Colo. (12) The Governor of the Farm Credit Administration is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency, without reimbursement, for use of the Public Buildings Administration, as an addition to the Denver Fed- eral Center, all of that portion of the former Denver Ordnance Plant, Denver, Colorado, together with the appurtenances and improvements located thereon, comprised of the east half of the east half of the northeast quarter and the east half of the east half of the southeast quarter of section 8, township 4 south, range 69 west, sixth principal meridian, excepting therefrom the land used for highway purposes, in the southeast corner of the southeast quarter of said section 8. Seattle, Wash. (13) The Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency, without reimbursement, for use of the Public Buildings Administration the following-described land, together with the improvements thereon: A certain tract of land bounded by Fourth Avenue South, Stacy Street, Fifth Avenue South, and Lander Street, Seattle, Washington, being all of block 276A, Seattle Tidelands in Seattle, King County, Washington, which is more particularly described as follows: (a) West one hundred and ten feet of lots 1 to 11, inclusive, block 276A, Seattle Tidelands; (b) East ten feet of lots 1 to 11, inclusive, block 276A, Seattle Tidelands, and the adjoining west half of Fourth Place South; (c) West one hundred eight and fifty one-hundredths feet of lots 12 to 22, inclusive, block 276A, Seattle Tidelands, and the adjoining east half of Fourth Place South; (d) East eleven and fifty one-hundredths feet of lots 12 to 22, in- clusive, block 276A, Seattle Tidelands; (e) The easterly half of Fourth Avenue South from the centerline of Stacy Street to the centerline of Lander Street and the west half of Fifth Avenue South from the centerline of Stacy Street to the center- line of Lander Street; also, the south half of Stacy Street from easterly line of Fourth Avenue South projected to the westerly line of Fifth Avenue South projected; also the north half of Lander Street from the easterly line of Fourth Avenue South projected to the westerly line of Fifth Avenue South projected; also, together with that certain street designated as Fourth Place South from the southerly line of Stacy Street to the northerly line of Lander Street, containing six and sixty-five one-hundredths acres, more or less; subject to existing easements for public roads and highways, for public utilities, for railroads and for pipe lines in the above-described portions of Fourth Avenue South, Fifth Avenue South, Stacy Street, and Lander Street. Luna County, N . (14) The War Assets Administrator is hereby authorized and directed to transfer to the jurisdiction and control of the Federal Works Agency, without reimbursement, for use of the Public Build- ings Administration the following-described land, together with the improvements thereon: