Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/237

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 218-JUNE 16, 1949 conditions of each such competition and to make awards in pursuance thereof. SEC. 402. The third paragraph of section 5 of the Public Buildings Act of May 25, 1926 (44 Stat. 630), as amended, is hereby deleted and 44 Stat. 634 . the followig is hereby substituted therefor: "With respect to sites or additions to sites acquired under this Act, Temporaryrentalof the Commissioner of Public Buildings is hereby authorized, in his dis- sit d building. cretion to rent, until they are needed for construction purposes, such sites or additions to sites and any improvements located thereon not reserved by the vendors, at a fair rental value and upon such terms and conditions as he may deem to be in the public interest. Such rentals may be deposited into a common fund account or accounts in the Treasury, and notwithstanding the provisions' of the Act of June 30, 1932 (40 U. S. C. 303b), shall be available to pay the cost of such 47Stat.412 . maintenance, repair, and alterations of any improvements located on such sites or additions to sites as is necessary to keep them in rentable condition and for the establishment of necessary reserves therefor: Provided, That except for such necessary reserves, as determined by the Commissioner, the unobligated balances of rentals so deposited into the Treasury shall be covered at the end of each fiscal year into miscellaneous receipts: Provided further, That with respect to im- provements on such sites or additions to sites which are suitable for residential purposes only and the estimated annual rentals of which will not exceed $1,200, the Commissioner may enter into leases without regard to the provisions of section 3709 of the Revised Statutes, as 4p U; S.045. amended." 44 stt. 634. SEC. 403. Section 5 of the Public Buildings Act of May 25, 1926 (44 40 S. ..s . Stat. 630), is hereby amended to delete the following words which appear at the end of the last paragraph thereof: 'and to charge against the total sum of $150,000,000 hereinbefore authorized only the respective net excess cost, if any, over and above the proceeds of such sales, or providing such new sites and buildings", and after the words "miscellaneous receipts" change the comma to a period. SEC. 404. The Federal Works Administrator, together with the Acceptance of gifts. Postmaster General where his office is concerned, is authorized to accept on behalf of the United States unconditional gifts of real, personal, or other property in aid of any project or function within their respective jurisdictions. SEC. 405. The provisions of section 601 of the Economy Act, inSerntvics in lS to approved June 30, 1932, as amended, are hereby extended to authorize 47 stat. 417 . the Public Buildings Administration to furnish services in the conti- U.C.86 nental United States, on the basis of full reimbursement, at the request of the State Department, to any international body with which the United States Government is affiliated. SEO. 406. The Commissioner of Public Buildings is authorized to Contract for land- contract for seeding, planting, or landscaping the grounds of any public building constructed or acquired by the Public Buildings Administration in an amount not exceeding $1,800, without reference to section 3709 of the Revised Statutes. Post, p. 403. SEC. 407. The Commissioner of Public Buildings is authorized to Procurement of procure space in the District of Columbia by lease, upon such terms spae inD. a and for such period, not in excess of one year, as he may deem in the public interest, for the housing of any Federal agency or agencies, except the Post Office Department, and to assign and reassign such space. As used in this section, the term "Federal Agency" means Federal Agency. any executive department (except the Post Office Department), inde- pendent establishment, commission, board, bureau, i the executive branch, or other agency of the United States, including wholly owned Government corporations. , 199