Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/248

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 227-JUNE 20, 1949 Transportation d automobiles. Illness or injury. First-aid station Hospital expenses Physical examina- tion. Officer or employee dying abroad. Travel, etc., of new appointees. possible thereafter: Provided, That such officer or employee has accrued to his credit at the time of such order, annual leave suffi- cient to carry him in a pay status while in the United States for at least a thirty-day period. (B) While in the continental United States on leave, the serv- ice of any officer or employee shall not be available for work or duties except in the agency or for training or for reorientation for work; and the time of such work or duty shall not be counted as leave. (C) Where an officer or employee on leave returns to the United States or its Territories and possessions, leave of absence granted shall be exclusive of the time actually and necessarily occupied in going to and from the United States or its Territories and possessions, and such time as may be necessarily occupied in awaiting transportation. (4) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, transport for or on behalf of an officer or employee of the Agency, a pri- vately owned automobile in any case where it shall be determined that water, rail, or air transportation of the automobile is neces- sary or expedient for any part or of all the distance between points of origin and destination, and pay the costs of such transportation. (5) (A) In the event of illness or injury requiring the hospi- talization of an officer or full time employee of the Agency, not the result of vicious habits, intemperance, or misconduct on his part, incurred while on assignment abroad, in a locality where there does not exist a suitable hospital or clinic, pay the travel expenses of such officer or employee by whatever means he shall deem appropriate and without regard to the Standardized Govern- ment Travel Regulations and section 10 of the Act of March 3, 1933 (47 Stat. 1516; 5 U. S. C. 73b), to the nearest locality where a suitable hospital or clinic exists and on his recovery pay for the travel expenses of his return to his post of duty. If the officer or employee is too ill to travel unattended, the Director may also pay the travel expenses of an attendant; (B) Establish a first-aid station and provide for the services of a nurse at a post at which, in his opinion, sufficient personnel is employed to warrant such a station: Provided, That, in his opinion, it is not feasible to utilize an existing facility; (C) In the event of illness or injury requiring hospitalization of an officer or full time employee of the Agency, not the result of vicious habits, intemperance, or misconduct on his part, incurred in the line of duty while such person is assigned abroad, pay for the cost of the treatment of such illness or injury at a suitable hospital or clinic; (D) Provide for the periodic physical examination of officers and employees of the Agency and for the cost of administering inoculations or vaccinations to such officers or employees. (6) Pay the costs of preparing and transporting the remains of an officer or employee of the Agency or a member of his family who may die while in travel status or abroad, to his home or official station, or to such other place as the Director may deter- mine to be the appropriate place of interment, provided that in no case shall the expense payable be greater than the amount which would have been payable had the destination been the home or official station. (7) Pay the costs of travel of new appointees and their depend- ents, and the transportation of their household goods and per- sonal effects, from places of actual residence in foreign countries at time of appointment to places of employment and return to 210 [63 STAT.