Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/374

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 280-JUNE 29, 1949 12 Stat. 387. 52 Stat. 37. Ante, p. 327.

7 Stat. 315.

7 U.S. C. , Supp. II, § 154. 58 Stat. 7:i5. Ante, p. 200. 61 Stat. 177. 16 U. S. C., Supp. 11, §§ 594-1-594-5 . 54 Stat. 168. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL CHEISTRY SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for investigations, experiments, and demon- strations hereinafter authorized, including not to exceed $243,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, as follows: Agricultural chemical and naval stores investigations: For con- ducting the investigations contemplated by the Act of May 15, 1862 (5 U. S . C . 511, 512), relating to the application of chemistry to agri- culture; for the biological, chemical, physical, microscopical, and technological investigation of foods, feeds, drugs, plant and animal products, and substances used in the manufacture thereof; for investi- gations of the physiological effects and for the pharmacological test- ing of such products and of insecticides; for the investigation and development of methods for the manufacture of sugars, sugar sirups, and starches and the utilization of new agricultural materials for such purposes; and for the technological investigation of the utilization of fruits and vegetables and for frozen-pack investigations; for the investigation of naval stores (turpentine and rosin) and their components; the investigation and experimental demonstration of improved equipment, methods, or processes of preparing naval stores; and the weighing, storing, handling, transportation, and utilization of naval stores; $645,525. Regional research laboratories: For continuing the researches estab- lished under the provisions of section 202 (a) to 202 (e), inclusive, of title II of the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1938 (7 U. S. C . 1292), including research on food products of farm commodities, $5,016,000. BUREAU OF HUMAN NUTRITION AND HOME ECONOMICS Salaries and expenses: For necessary expenses. including not to exceed $343,550 for personal services in the District of Columbia, for conducting investigations of the relative utility and economy of agricultural products for food, clothing, and other uses in the home, with special suggestions of plans and methods for the more effective utilization of such products for these purposes, and such economic investigations, including housing and household buying, as have for their purpose the improvement of the rural home, and for disseminating useful inform.ation on this subject, $85;3,200. CONTROL OF FOREST PESTS For expenses necessary for carrying out operations, measures, or surveys necessary to eradicate, suppress, control, or to prevent or retard the spread of insects or diseases which endanger forest trees on any lands in the United States, and for such quarantine measures relating thereto as may be necessary pursuant to the Plant Quar- antine Act of August 20, 1912, as amended (7 U. S . C. 151-167), including personal services in the District of Columbia and the purchase (not to exceed four) and operation and maintenance of airplanes, as follows: Gypsy and brown-tail moths: Gypsy and brown-tail moths, pursuant to section 102 of the Act of September 21, 1944 (7 U. S . C . 147a), $575,000. Forest Pest Control Act: For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved June 25, 1947 (16 U. S. C . Supp. I, 594-1 -594-5), $750,000. White pine blister rust: White pine blister rust, pursuant to the Act of April 26, 1940 (16 U. S . C . 594a), $3,645,000, of which amount 336 [63 STAT.