Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/421

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG. , IST SESS.-CH. 288-JUNE 30, 1949 it is determined by the Administrator that there is insufficient capital otherwise available in the General Supply Fund. Advances of funds also may be made by agreement between the requisitioning agencies and the Administrator. Where an advance of funds is not made, requisitioning agencies shall promptly reimburse the General Services Administration on vouchers prepared by the requisitioning agency on the basis of itemized invoices submitted by the Administrator and receiving reports evidencing the delivery to the requisitioning agency of such supplies or services: Provided, That in any case where pay- ment shall not have been made by the requisitioning agency within forty-five days after the date of billing by the Administrator, reim- bursement may be obtained by the Administrator by the issuance of transfer and counterwarrants supported by itemized invoices. (c) The General Supply Fund shall be credited with all reimburse- Credit ments, advances of funds, and refunds or recoveries relating to sup- plies or services procured through the fund, including the net proceeds of disposal of surplus supplies procured through the fund and receipts from carriers and others for loss of, or damage to, supplies procured through the fund; and the same are hereby reappropriated for the purposes of the fund. (d) A special deposit account may be established as a part of the Specia General Supply Fund with the Treasurer of the United States for use count. by the chief disbursing officer or any regional disbursing officer, Department of the Treasury, which may be credited with (1) funds advanced from the General Supply Fund account on the books of the Division of Bookkeeping and Warrants and (2) other funds properly for credit to the General Supply Fund without being covered into the Treasury of the United States; and such special deposit account may be charged with payments properly chargeable to the General Supply Fund. (e) The Comptroller General of the United States shall make an Annua annual audit of the General Supply Fund as of June 30, and there Comptro shall be covered into the United States Treasury as miscellaneous receipts any surplus found therein, all assets, liabilities, and prior losses considered, above the amounts transferred or appropriated to establish and maintain said fund, and the Comptroller General shall Report report to the Congress annually the results of the audit, together with such recommendations as he may have regarding the status and oper- ations of the fund. (f) Subject to the requirements of subsections (a) to (e), inclusive, udditic of this section, the General Supply Fund also may be used for the procurement of supplies and nonpersonal services authorized to be acquired by mixed-ownership Government corporations, or by the municipal government of the District of Columbia, or by a requisi- tioning non-Federal agency when the function of a Federal agency authorized to procure for it is transferred to the General Services Administration: Provided, That the prices charged by the Adminis- Pri ces, trator in such cases shall be fixed at levels which he estimates will be sufficient to recover, in addition to the direct costs of the procurement, handling and distribution of such supplies and services, the indirect and overhead costs that the Administrator determines are allocable thereto. TITLE II-PROPERTY MANAGEMENT PROCUREMENT, WAREHOUSING, AND RELATED ACrIVITIES SEC. 201. (a) The Administrator shall, in respect of executive agen- cies, and to the extent that he determines that so doing is advantageous 383 ing of funds. 1 deposit ac- 1 audit by H1erGeneral. to Congress. )nal use of