Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/51

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG., IST SESS.-CHES. 19, 20-MAR. 15, 1949 settle, and pay in an amount not in excess of $1,000, when accepted by the claimant in full satisfaction and final settlement, any claim against the United States arising on or after December 7, 1941, for damage to, or loss or destruction of, personal property, the use, opera- tion, possession, custody, or control of which was prohibited by proclamation Numbered 2525, dated December 7, 1941, and procla- mations Numbered 2526 and Numbered 2527, dated December 8, 1941 (55 Stat. pt. 2, pp. 1700, 1705, and 1707), the possession of which prop- erty was not prohibited by law prior to said promulgations and which was deposited by alien enemies or United States citizens of Japanese ancestry in the manner provided in the regulations promulgated by the Attorney General on February 5, 1942, as amended (7 Fed. Reg. 844; 28 C. F. R . 30 .1 -30 .16): Provided, That the damage to or loss or destruction of property shall not have been caused in whole or in part by any negligence or wrongful act on the part of the claimant, his agent, or employee, and that the claim is substantiated in such manner as the Attorney General may by regulation prescribe: Pro- vided further, That nothing in this Act shall be construed to authorize the Attorney General to pay or settle any claims for damage to or loss or destruction of property which had been used for espionage or other illegal purposes on or before December 7, 1941. SEC. 2 . No claim shall be considered unless presented in writing within one year after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 3 . Any decision or settlement made by the Attorney General under the authority of this Act and such regulations as he may pre- scribe shall be final and conclusive, notwithstanding any other provi- sion of law to the contrary. SEC. 4 . The Attorney General may report such claims as exceed $1,000 to Congress for its consideration. SEC. 5 . Such appropriations as may be required for the settlement of claims under this Act are hereby authorized. Approved March 15, 1949. [CHAPTER 20] AN ACT For the relief of certain postal employees. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatwes of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all employees at first- and second-class post offices who were reduced from the posi- tion of regular clerk or regular carrier to the position of substitute clerk or substitute carrier prior to July 1, 1945, or who were formerly regular clerk or regular carrier and were reinstated as substitute clerk or substitute carrier prior to July 1, 1945, and whose compensation was converted to $1.24 per hour effective July 1, 1945, instead of $1.04 per hour as provided by sections 12 (a) and 24 of the Act entitled "An Act to reclassify the salaries of postmasters, officers, and employ- ees of the Postal Service; to establish uniform procedures for com- puting compensation; and for other purposes", approved July 6, 1945 (59 Stat. 435, ch. 274), are hereby relieved of all liability to refund to the United States any amounts paid to them as a result of such overpayment of salaries from July 1, 1945, until the date their com- pensation was adjusted to conform to the provisions of the Act of uly 6, 1945 (59 Stat. 435, ch. 274), as amended, and in the audit and settlement of the accounts any postmaster or other designated dis- bursing officer of the Post Office Department or postal service the amounts paid to such employees from July 1, 1945, as compensation shall be considered to have been authorized. Any amounts heretofore credited to such employees, or refunded to the United States by them 13 28 CFR, Cum. Supp., p . 8481 . Limitation. Time limitation. Finality of decision. Report to Congress. Appropriations au- thorized. Post, p. 458. March 15, 1949 [8. 593] [Public Law 18] Certain postal em- ployees. Relief from liability. 59 Stat 443, 461. 39 U. 8.0. i 862 (a), 874. 39 U. . 0. . 851- 876; Supp. II, § 863 et eq. Podt, pp . 622, 696 902, 984.