Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/59

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63 STAT.] 81ST CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 42 -MAR . 30 , 1949 the use or occupancy of housing accommodations, or the transfer of a lease of housing accommodations." SEC. 202. Section 203 (b) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, as 61 stat. 197. amended, is amended to read as follows: In. app. § 1893 (b). "(b) On the termination of rent control in any area or portion Transfer of records, etc., t o local govern- thereof under this title all records and other data (and the cabinets ments. or containers holding such records and data) used or held in connec- tion with the establishment and maintenance of maximum rents in such area or portion thereof by the Housing Expediter, and all pred- ecessor agencies, shall, on request, be transferred without reimburse- ment to the proper officials of any State or local subdivision of government that may be charged with the duty of administering a rent-control program in any State or local subdivision of government to which such records and data may be applicable: Provided,however, That any such records or data (and the cabinets or containers holding such records or data) shall be so made available subject to recall for use in carrying out the purposes of this title." SEC. 203. (a) Section 204 (a) of the Housing and Rent Act of 1947, 9461 Stat. 197; 62 Stat. as amended, is amended by striking out "March 31, 1949" and insert- 50 U. s. C., Supp. ing in lieu thereof "June 30, 1950". II, app. §1894 (a). (b) Section 204 (b) of such Act, as amended, is amended to read 6 Stat. 198. s fr»11 nr50 U. S. C., Supp. as follows: ii, app. §1894 (b). "(b) (1) Subject to the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of Maximum rents. this subsection, and subsections (h) and (i), during the period begin- ning on the effective date of this title and ending on the date this title ceases to be in effect, no person shall demand, accept, or receive any rent for the use or occupancy of any controlled housing accom- modations greater than the maximum rent established under the authority of the Emergency Price Control Act of 1942, as amended, 56 Stat. . app and in effect with respect thereto on June 30, 1947: Provided,however, §§ 9ol-922, 923-946; That the Housing Expediter shall, by regulation or order, make such 'Ajusrnn91 t seq. individual and general adjustments in such maximum rents in any defense-rental area or any portion thereof, or with respect to any housing accommodations or any class of housing accommodations within any such area or any portion thereof, as may be necessary to remove hardships or to correct other inequities, or further to carry out the purposes and provisions of this title: Provided,however That the Certificatlonofserv. landlord certifies that he is maintaining all services furnished as of the los by landlord. date determining the maximum rent and that he will continue to maintain such services so long as the adjustment in such maximum rent which may be granted continues in effect. In making and recom- mending individual and general adjustments to remove hardships or to correct other inequities, the Housing Expediter and the local boards shall observe the principle of maintaining maximum rents for con- trolled housing accommodations, so far as is practicable, at levels which will yield to landlords a fair net operating income from such housing accommodations. In determining whether the maximum rent for controlled housing accommodations yields a fair net operating income from such housing accommodations, due consideration shall be given to the following, among other relevant factors: (A) Increases in property taxes; (B) unavoidable increases in operating and main- tenance expenses; (C) major capital improvement of the housing accommodations as distinguished from ordinary repair, replacement, and maintenance; (D) increases or decreases in living space, services, furniture, furnishings, or equipment; and (E) substantial deteriora- tion of the housing accommodations, other than ordinary wear and tear, or failure to perform ordinary repair, replacement, or maintenance. 21