Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/596

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 393-AUG. 4 , 1949 Rules and regula- tions. Benefits. 34U.S.C.§228. Authority of Secre- tary of Navy. Post, p. 840. Travel allowance. 14 U. S. C., Supp. II, J1 164, 165 note. Restoration to ac- tiveduty duringemer- gency. Promotion on re- tired list. Temporary advance of designated officers. Reversion in status. SEC. 4 . All orders, rules, and regulations of the Coast Guard in effect under provisions of law superseded or amended by this Act shall, to the extent they would have been authorized under this Act, remain in force and effect as the regulations and orders under the provisions of this Act and shall be administered and enforced under this Act as nearly as may be until specifically repealed, amended, or revised. SEC. 5 . Nothing contained in this Act shall operate to abolish or reduce the grade, rank, rating, pay, allowances, or other benefits to which any person in the Coast Guard is entitled on the effective date of this Act. SEC. 6. Section 1442 of the Revised Statutes, as amended, is further amended to read as follows: "The Secretary of the Navy shall have authority to place on fur- lough any officer on the active list of the Navy and Marine Corps. This section shall not apply to reserve officers of such organizations." SEC. 7. Section 126 of the Act approved June 3, 1916, chapter 134 (39 Stat. 217; 10U. S. C., sec. 752; 14 U. S. C., sec. 138; 34 U. S. C., sec. 895), is further amended to read as follows: "SEC. 126. An enlisted person of the Army, Navy, or Marine Corps, including Reserve components thereof, upon discharge except by way of punishment for an offense, retirement, or relief from active duty, shall, under such regulations as the head of the department concerned may prescribe for personnel under his jurisdiction, receive a money allowance of 5 cents per mile for the distance from the place of dis- charge or release from active duty to his home, or place of acceptance for active duty, or place from which ordered to active duty, or such other place as may be determined to be most appropriate by the head of the department concerned. For sea travel involved in travel between place of discharge or release from active duty and place to which travel is authorized only transportation in kind and subsistence en route shall be allowed." SEC. 8. The fifth and sixth paragraphs of section 7 of the Act approved July 1, 1918, chapter 114 (40 Stat. 717; 14 U. S. C., sections 164, 165), are amended to read as follows: "That hereafter, during the existence of war or of a national emer- gency declared by the President to exist, any commissioned or warrant officer of the Navy or Marine Corps of the United States on the retired list may in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be ordered to active duty at sea or on shore; and any retired officer performing such active duty in time of war or national emergency, declared as aforesaid, shall be entitled to promotion on the retired list to the grade or rank, not above that of lieutenant commander in the Navy or major in the Marine Corps, and shall thereafter receive the pay and allowances thereof, which his total active service as an officer both prior and subsequent to retirement, in the manner rendered by him, would have enabled him to attain in due course of promotion had such service been rendered continuously on the active list during the period of time last past. "That during the existence of war or of a national emergency, declared as aforesaid, any commissioned or warrant officer of the Navy or Marine Corps of the United States on the retired list, while on active duty, may be temporarily advanced to and commissioned in such higher grade or rank on the retired list, not above that of lieutenant commander in the Navy or major in the Marine Corps, as the President may determine, and any officer so advanced shall, while on active duty, be entitled to the same pay and allowances as officers of like grade or rank on the active list: Provided,That any 558 [63 STAT.