Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/696

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 506 -AUG. 24 , 1949 47 Stat. 725 . 12 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 1422 et seq. 60 Stat. 903. 48 Stat. 1255 . 12 U. S. C., Supp. 11, § 1725 et seq. 60 Stat. 903. 48 Stat. 128. 12 U. S. C., Supp. II, § 1462 t seq. Post, pp . 871, 977. services performed on a contract or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the handling, including the purchase, sale, and exchange, of securities on behalf of Federal home- loan banks, and the sale, issuance, and retirement of, or payment of interest on, debentures or bonds, under the Federal Home Loan Bank Act, as amended, shall be considered as nonadministrative expenses for the purposes hereof: Providedfurther,That notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, except for the limitation in amount hereinbefore specified, the administrative expenses and other obliga- tions of the Board shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Home Loan Bank Act of July 22, 1932, as amended (12 U. S. C. 1421 -1449). Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation: Not to exceed $617,500 shall be available for administrative expenses, including health-service program as authorized by law (5 U. S . C . 150), which shall be on an accrual basis and shall be exclusive of interest paid, depreciation, properly capitalized expenditures, expenses in connec- tion with liquidation of insured institutions, liquidation or handling of assets of or derived from insured institutions, payment of insur- ance, and action for or toward the avoidance, termination, or minimiz- ing of losses in the case of specific insured institutions, and legal fees and expenses, and said Corporation may utilize and may make pay- ment for services and facilities of the Federal home-loan banks, the Federal Reserve banks, the Home Loan Bank Board, the Home Owners' Loan Corporation, and other agencies of the Government: Provided, That notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, except for the limitation in amount hereinbefore specified, the administrative expenses and other obligations of said Corporation shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with title IV of the Act of June 27, 1934, as amended (12 U. S . C. 1724-1730). Home Owners' Loan Corporation: Not to exceed $1,823,250 shall be available for administrative expenses, including health-service pro- gram as authorized by law (5 U. S . C . 150), which shall be on an accrual basis and shall be exclusive of interest paid, depreciation, properly capitalized expenditures, expenses (including personal serv- ices) in connection with the termination or liquidation of accounts carried on the books of the corporation not to exceed $300,000, expenses (including services performed on a force account, contract, or fee basis, but not including other personal services) in connection with the acquisition, protection, operation, maintenance, improvement, or dis- position of real or personal plroperty belonging to said Corporation or in which it has au interest, and legal fees and expenses, and said Corporation may utilize and may lmake payment for services and facilities of the Federal home-loan banks, the Federal Reserve banks, the Home Loan Bank Board, the Federal Savings and Loan Insur- ance Corporation, and other agencies of the Government: Provided, That, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Act, except for the limitation in amount hereinbefore specified, the administrative expenses and other obligations of said Corporation shall be incurred, allowed, and paid in accordance with the Home Owners' Loan Act of 1933, as amended (12 U. S . C . 1461-1468). Federal Housing Administration: In addition to the amounts avail- able by or pursuant to law (which shall be transferred to this author- ization) for the administrative expenses of the Federal Housing Administration in carrying out duties imposed by or pursuant to law, not to exceed $22.500,0600 o the various funds of the Federal Housing Administration as follows: (1) the mutual mortgage insurance fund; (2) the housing insurance fund; (3) the account in the Treasury com- prised of funds derived from premiums collected under authority of 658 [63 STAT.