Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/762

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 632 , 650 -OCT. 7 , 1949 taken from any sums paid him for such allowance, or in any case wherein any such employee has paid or refunded any sums to any Government agency by reason of claim made against him for such items, a sum equivalent to the amount of such deductions or refund shall be paid to such employee, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to make such payments; and, for such thAppopristion au- purpose, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this paragraph; and the Comp- troller General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to allow credits or to cancel charges therefor in the same manner and Ante, p. 23 . to the same extent as provided in paragraph'(a) of this section. (d) In any case wherein sums for travel or other expenses have been advanced to any such employee, or in any case wherein any such employee has been partially paid on account of such allowance, the Comptroller General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to allow credits or to cancel charges for such items in the same Ant, p.73. manner and to the same extent as provided in paragraph (a) of this section, so that any such charges will be eliminated and canceled in determining whether such employees or the Government is entitled to any difference between such advance or partial payment and the allowable per diem: Provided,however, That in any case wherein any sums were advanced to any such employee for travel or other expenses, the disbursing officer shall be credited for charges for such items only to the extent of any such advances outstanding. Relieffromlability. SEC. 5. Any surety on any bond furnished by any such employee is hereby relieved from any liability by reason of any claim or charges for any such items. SEc. 6 . No provision of this Act shall apply to or prejudice any claim of the United States against any such employee or the surety on his bond by reason of any item other than those specified in sec- Ane, p .723. tion 1 of this Act; and any refunds or payments made to any such employee by reason of this Act shall be subject to deductions by reason of any other proper charges against the account of any such employee. Time limitation SEC. 7 . Any refund or payment to any such employee, or any credit or cancellation of any charges for such items, made by reason of this Act, shall be in full settlement of all claims by any such employee against the United States or any department or agency thereof for reimbursement for expenses of such employee for such items and shall be made within one year after the enactment of this Act. Approved October 7, 1949. [CHAPTER 650] October 7,1949 AN ACT [H.R. 1694] To provide for the return of rehabilitation and betterment costs of Federal Pubc Lw reclamation projects. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Federalreclamation United States of America in Congress assembled, That expenditures projects. Retun of rehabili- of funds hereafter specifically appropriated for rehabilitation and Post, p. 9s. betterment of irrigation systems on projects governed by the Federal 43 I.p 8 c. I372 et reclamation laws (Act of June 17, 1902, 32 Stat. 388, and Acts amenda- seq.; Supp. II, I 385a et se. tory thereof or supplementary thereto) shall be made only after the organizations concerned shall have obligated themselves for the return thereof in installments fixed in accordance with their ability to pay, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior in the light of their outstanding repayment obligations, and which shall, to the fullest practicable extent, be scheduled for return with their construction charge installments or otherwise scheduled as he shall determine. 724 [63 STAT.