Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/851

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81ST CONG., IST SESS.-CH. 681-OCT. 12,1949 to receive basic pay shall be entitled to receive a basic allowance for quarters in such amount and under such circumstances as are provided in this section: Provided, That an enlisted member in pay grade E-4 Member without (less than seven years' service), E-3, E-2, and E-l, shall be considered dependets. at all times as a member without dependents for the purposes of this section. (b) Except as otherwise provided by law no basic allowance for Limitation. quarters shall accrue to members of the uniformed services assigned to Government quarters or housing facilities under the jurisdiction of the uniformed services, appropriate to their rank, grade, or rating and adequate for themselves and dependents, if with dependents. (c) No basic allowance for quarters shall accrue to any member of Field and sea duty. the uniformed services without dependents while on field duty, unless his commanding officer certifies that he was necessarily required to pro- cure quarters at his own expense, or while on sea duty: Provided,That Restriction. field duty or sea duty for temporary periods of less than three months shall not be considered as field duty or sea duty for purposes of this subsection. (d) No member of the uniformed services assigned to Government Dependents exclnd- quarters or housing facilities under the jurisdiction of the uniformed ed from quarters. services shall be denied his basic allowance for quarters if, by reason of orders of competent authority, his dependents are prevented from occupying such quarters. (e) The President may prescribe regulations for the administration Regulatiols. of this section, and such regulations shall include, but not be limited to, definitions of the terms "field duty" and "sea duty". (f) Members of the uniformed services entitled to receive a basic Monthly rates of allowance for quarters pursuant to this section shall be entitled to receive a basic allowance for quarters at the following monthly rates according to the pay grade to which assigned or in which distributed for basic pay purposes: Pay grade With Without dependents dependents 0-8.. ..-- --- --- --- - --- --- --- --. - - --- -- $150.00 $120.00 0-7 ----.

- 150.00 120.00 -0-6.....----------------------------------------- 120. 00 106 00 0-5 .....-------------------------------------------- 120.00 90.00 0-4 -.....------------------------------------- ....- . 105.00 82.50 0-3 .-----...------------------.....

90.00 75.00 0-2-------.------------.--------


82.50 67.80 0-1 ......-...-.----------------------------------- 75.00 60.00 W-4 .....----------------------------------------.- 10 .00 82 80 W-3 ..----.---------... --


90.00 7.00 W-2.........- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---- - 82.0 67.50 W-1 .......---------.----------------------------- - 75.00 0.00 E-7 ..-.. -......----------------. 67. 0 4& 00 E-6......------------------------------------------ 67.0 4. 00 E-

---- ---- ---- ---- -

67.50 4. 00 E-4 (7ormore years' service)' ----..------.----------


67.60 400 E-4(less than 7 years' service) "t - --- -.- ----. ----- --. -- --- --- --- -- --- --- --- 4. 00 46.00 E-3

45.00 4.00 E-2 --- .-- --- --- --- -.- --- --- ---- --- --- --- --- --- --. - 4.00 45.00 E-I'.....-----.------------------------------------------------- 45.00 45.00 I Service authorized to be credited in computation of basic pay pursuant to see. 202 of this Act. 2 Considered at all times as without dependents pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION ALLOWANCES SEO. 303. (a) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretaries con- cerned, members of the uniformed services shall be entitled to receive travel and transportation allowances for travel performed or to be performed under competent orders (1) upon a change of permanent station, or otherwise, or when away from their designated posts of duty regardless of the length of time away from such designated posts of duty, (2) upon appointment, call to active duty, enistment, or induction, from home or from the place from which ordered to active Ante, p. 807. Ante, p. 812 . 63 STAT.]