Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 1.djvu/886

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 688 -OCT. 13 , 1949 Marinship facilities, Marin County, Calif. 62 Stat. 1171. 22 U. S. C., Supp. II,I275a;33U. .C., Supp. II, i§ 672, 701c note, 701o, 701s, 701n, 701t. 54 Stat. 497. 33U.S.C.ii611- E23. 49 Stat. 1570. 33U.S.C.iI701a- 701f, 701h; Supp. II , i 701c note. Repayment of ad- vances. 54 Stat. 1176. 33U. S.C: t701 h-1. Salmon River, Alaska. Surveys, plans, etc. 52 Stat. 1216; 65Stat. 639. 33U.S.C.§i701, 702a-l%, 702a-12. Red Run Mich. project. Garrison Reservoir project. under this heading may be used for realignment of the authorized channel of the Hudson River in the vicinity of Kingston, New York, at an estimated cost of $400,000: Provided further, That all land owned by the United States described as parcels 10, 16, 17, and 36 on the War Assets Administration tract map of Marinship yard con- taining approximately 60 acres, together with the buildings, improve- ments, and facilities thereon, which comprise part of the Marinship facilities, Marin County, California, and now under the control and jurisdiction of the War Assets Administration, is hereby transferred, without reimbursement of funds, to the jurisdiction of the Department of the Army for use by the Corps of Engineers of that Department. Gulfport Harbor, Mississippi: For the prosecution of the works of improvement with respect to the Gulfport, Mississippi, Harbor and Channel heretofore authorized by law (Public Law 858, Eightieth Congress), $496,000. Alteration of bridges over navigable waters: For payment of the share of the United States of the cost of alteration of bridges over navigable waters in accordance with the provisions of the Act of June 21, 1940 (Public Law 647), $100. FLOOD CONTROL Flood control, general: For the construction and maintenance of certain public works on rivers and harbors for flood control, and for other purposes, in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Con- trol Act, approved June 22, 1936, as amended and supplemented, including printing and binding, and office supplies and equipment requiredin the Office of the Chief of Engineers to carry out the purposes of this appropriation, and for preliminary examinations, surveys, and contingencies in connection with the flood control, $366,330,400: Provided, That of the amount herein appropriated, $650,000 shall be for repayments of advances made under the pro- visions of the Act of October 15, 1940 (Public Law 857, Seventy-sixth Congress): Provided further, That funds appropriated herein may be used for flood-control work on the Salmon River, Alaska, as authorized by law: Providedfurther, That funds appropriated herein may be used to execute detailed surveys, and prepare plans and speci- fications, necessary for the construction of flood-control projects heretofore or hereafter authorized or for flood-control projects consid- ered for selection in accordance with the provisions of section 4 of the Flood Control Act approved June 28, 1938, and section 3 of the Flood Control Act approved August 18, 1941 (55 Stat. 638): Provided further, That the expenditure of funds for completing the necessary surveys shall not be construed as a commitment of the Government to the construction of any project: Provided further, That of the amount herein appropriated $500,000 shall be used for the Red Run (Clinton River) Michigan project: Provided further, That funds allocated to the Garrison Reservoir project may be expended for acquisition of any property within the incorporated village of Van Hook, and the adjacent area known as Legion Park, North Dakota. Flood control, Mississippi River and tributaries: For prosecuting work of flood control in accordance with the provisions of the Flood Control Act approved May 15, 1928, as amended (33 U. S. C. 702a), including printing and binding and office supplies and equipment required in the Office of the Chief of Engineers to carry out the pur- poses of this appropriation, $67,000,000. Emergency fund for flood control on tributaries of Mississippi Biver:;For rescue work and for repair or maintenance of any flood- 848 [63 STAT.