Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/222

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 and Associate Members of the Union to say whether the request should be granted; the request shall be granted if the majority of the replies of the members received within a period of one month are favourable. The Secretary General shall inform all the Members and Associate Members of the Union and the Director of the Consultative Committee concerned of the result of the consultation. 3. (1) Scientific or manufacturing organizations, which are en- gaged in the study of telecommunication problems or in the design or manufacture of equipment intended for telecommunication services, may be admitted to participate in an advisory capicity in meetings of the Study Groups of the Consultative Committees, provided that their participation has received the approval of the administrations of the countries concerned. (2) The first request from a scientific or manufacturing organi- zation for admission to meetings of Study Groups of a Consultative Committee shall be addressed to the Director of the Consultative Com- mittee; such a request must be approved by the administration of the country concerned. Chapter 9 Duties of the Plenary Assembly The duties of the Plenary Assembly shall be to approve for issue, to modify or to reject recommendations submitted to it by the Study Groups and to draw up lists of new questions to be studied, in accord- ance with paragraph 2 of Article 8 of the Convention. It shall Ate p. 1421 submit to the Administrative Council a statement of the financial accounts of the Consultative Committee concerned. Chapter 10 Meetings of the Plenary Assembly 1. The Plenary Assembly shall normally meet every two years, provided that a meeting shall take place about one year previous to the meeting of the relative Administrative Conference. 2. The date of the meeting of a Plenary Assembly may be advanced or postponed, with the approval of at least twelve participating coun- tries, according to the state of progress of work of the Study Groups. 3. Each meeting of a Plenary Assembly shall be held in a place fixed by the previous meeting of the Plenary Assembly. 4. At each of these meetings, the Plenary Assembly shall be presided over by the Head of the Delegation of the country in which the meet- ing is held; the Chairman shall be assisted by Vice-Chairmen elected by the Plenary Assembly. 5. The Secretariat of the Plenary Assembly of a Consultative Com- mittee shall be composed of the specialized Secretariat of that Con- sultative Committee, with the help, if necessary, of the personnel of the administration of the inviting Government and of the General Secretariat of the Union. 1517