Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/340

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6:3 SAT.] IMULTILA'"ERAL-,'ELECOMMtU'NICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 1637 (Chapter III, art. 5 1R) (145--147) mutual harmful interference, having special regard to the difficulties of opea- tion of the maritime mobile service. 145 "' In the band 1 715-2 000 kc/s Austria, Ireland, the Netherlands, North- ern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Switzerland, the Union of South Africa and the United Kingdom may assign up to 200 kc/s for the amateur service pro- vided that the mean power of any amateur station does not exceed 10 watts and that no harmful interference is caused to the authorised services of other countries. 146 "' The operation of the existing Northeast Atlantic Standard Loran Chain (Iceland-Faroes-Hebrides) is authorised temporarily in the band 1 900-2000 kc/s until 1st July 1949 provided that in the meantime all practicable measures are taken to minimise harmful interference from Loran transr.issions to other services operating in the same or adiacent frequency bands and, in particular, to narrow the emitted bandwidth. nI, however, nine months before the said date, at least three of the interested countries* declare to the Secretary Gen- eral of the Union that they are of the opinion that aids to radionavigation which are suitable for the Northeast Atlantic area and designed for operation in frequency bands allocated for the radionavigation service under these Regn- lations, are not available, or cannot be made available by the 'st July 1949 a special Administrative Conference of the interested countries* shall be sum- moned within two months to review the matter. 147 "' In any particular area the Loran system of radionavigation operates either on 1 850 or 1950 kc/s, the band occupied being 1 800-1900 kc/s or 1 900-2 000 ke/s. Any of the authorised services may employ whichever of these two bands is not required for Loran on condition that they do not cause harmful interfer- ence to Loran. 146.1 *The countries interested in this question are: Belgium, Canada, Den- mark, Finland. France. Iceland. Ireland. the Netherlands. Norway, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republies.