Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/364

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63 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2 , 1947 (Chapter III, art. 5 R.) Frequency Band and (Bandwidth) kc/s 15 010-15 100 (90) 15 100-15 450 (350) 15 450-16 460 (1 010) 16 460-17 360 (900) 17 360-17 700 (340) 17 700-17 900 (200) 17 900-17 970 (70) 17 970-18 030 (60) Allocation to Services World-Wide a) Aeronau- tical mo- bile (OR) Broad- casting Fixed Maritime mobile u} Fixed Broad- casting Acroinau- tical mo- bile (R) a) a) Aeronau- tical mo- bile (OR) Regional Region 12 Region 23 1661 (167) 167 i"' Between 17 160 and 17360 kc/s, the U.S.S.R . will meet their special requirements for the fixed service with due regard to technical provisions (power. location, antenna, etc.) with a view to minimising the possibility of harmful interference with the maritime mobile service. Coast stations in the maritime mobile service will also have due regard to technical provisions (pow- er, location, antenna, etc.) with a view to minimising the possibility of harmful interference with the fixed service in the U.S.S .R . The International Frequency Registration Board will be consulted regarding these arrangements.