Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/492

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m( STAT.] MULTILATERAL-TELECOMMUNICATIONS-OCT. 2, 1947 (Chapter X, art. 22 R) (4t-492) CHAPTER X ARTICLE 22 Licences 488 § 1. (1) No transmitting station may be established or oper- ated by a private person or by any enterprise without'a licence issued by the government of the country to which the station in question is subject. 489 (2) Mobile stations which have their place of registry in a colony, a territory under suzerainty or mandate, an over- seas territory or a protectorate, may be considered, as regards the grant of licences, as subject to the authority of that col- ony, those territories or that protectorate. 490 §2. The holder of a licence is required to preserve the secrecy of telecommunication, as provided in article 32 of the Convention. Moreover, the licence must provide that if the station includes a receiver the interception of radiocom- munication correspondence, other than that which the sta- tion is authorized to receive, is forbidden, and that in the case where such correspondence is involuntarily received, it must not be reproduced, nor communicated to third parties, nor used for any purpose, and even its existence must not be disclosed. 491 §3. In order to facilitate the verification of licences issued to mobile stations, there shall be added, when neces- sary, to the text written in the national language, a transla- tion of the text in a language widely used in international relations. 492 §4. The government which issues a licence to a mobile station mentions therein in clear form, the particulars of the station, including its rame, call sign and public correspon- dence category, as well as the general characteristics of the main and, if appropriate, the emergency (reserve) installa- tions. 1789