Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/880

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MULTILATERAL-WHEAT -MAR. 23 , 1949 scribed in (a) (ii) and (b) of paragraph 2 of this Article, be entered in the Council's records against the guaranteed quantities of those coun- tries. If the commercial contract or governmental agreement does not contain a statement of the nature referred to above and the export- ing country and the importing country concerned do not agree that the price of the wheat-flour is consistent with the prices specified in or determined under Article VI, either of those countries may, unless they have agreed that the wheat grain equivalent of that wheat-flour shall not be entered in the Council's records against their guaranteed quantities, request the Council to decide the issue. Should the Coun- cil, on consideration of such a request, decide that the price of such wheat-flour is consistent with the prices specified in or determined under Article VI, the wheat grain equivalent of the wheat-flour shall be entered against the guaranteed quantities of the exporting and im- porting countries concerned, subject to the conditions prescribed in (b) of paragraph 2 of this Article. Should the Council, on consideration of such a request, decide that the price of such wheat-flour is incon- sistent with the prices specified in or determined under Article VI, the wheat grain equivalent of the wheat-flour shall not be so entered. 5. The Council shall prescribe rules of procedure, in accordance with the following provisions, for the reporting and recording of trans- actions which are part of the guaranteed quantities: (a) Any transaction or part of a transaction, between an exporting country and an importing country, qualifying under paragraph 2, 3, or 4 of this Article to form part of the guaranteed quantities of those countries shall be reported to the Council within such period and in such detail and by one or both of those countries as the Council shall lay down in its rules of procedure. (b) Any transaction or part of a transaction reported in accordance with the provisions of subparagraph (a) shall be entered in the Council's records against the guaranteed quantities of the exporting country and the importing country between which the transaction is made. (c) The order in which transactions and parts of transactions shall be entered in the Council's records against the guaranteed quantities shall be prescribed by the Council in its rules of procedure. (d) The Council shall, within a time to be prescribed in its rules of procedure, notify each exporting country and each importing country of the entry of any transaction or part of a transaction in the Council's records against the guaranteed quantities of that country. (e) If, within a period which the Council shall prescribe in its rules of procedure, the importing country or the exporting country concerned objects in any respect to the entry of a transaction or part of a transaction in the Council's records against its guaran- teed quantities, the Council shall review the matter and, if it decides that the objection is well founded, shall amend its records accordingly. 63 STAT. ] 2179