Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 2.djvu/892

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MULTILATERAL-WHEAT-MAR. 23, 1949 2191 decide, provided that no exporting country shall have more than forty per cent of the total votes of the exporting countries. The votes of the importing countries shall be divided among them as they shall decide, provided that no importing country shall have more than forty per cent of the total votes of the importing countries. 4. The Council shall prescribe rules of procedure regarding voting in the Executive Committee, and may make such other provisions regarding rules of procedure in the Executive Committee as it thinks fit. A decision of the Executive Committee shall require the same majority of votes as this Agreement prescribes for the Council when making a decision on a similar matter. 5. Any exporting or importing country which is not a member of the Executive Committee may participate, without voting, in the discussion of any question before the Executive Committee whenever the latter considers that the interests of that country are affected. ARTICLE XV Advisory Committee on Price Equivalents The Council shall establish an Advisory Committee on Price Equiv- alents consisting of representatives of three exporting countries and of three importing countries. The Committee shall advise the Coun- cil and the Executive Committee on the matters referred to in para- graphs 4, 5, and 6 of Article VI and on such other questions as the At, p. 214s. Council or the Executive Committee may refer to it. The Chairman of the Committee shall be aDDointed by the Council. ARTICLE XVI The Secretariat 1. The Council shall have a Secretariat consisting of a Secretary and such staff as may be required for the work of the Council and of its committees. 2. The Council shall appoint the Secretary and determine his duties. 3. The staff shall be appointed by the Secretary in accordance with regulations established by the Council. ARTICLE XVII Finance 1. The expenses of delegations to the Council, of representatives on the Executive Committee, and of representatives on the Advisory Committee on Price Equivalents shall be met by their respective Governments. The other expenses necessary for the administration of this Agreement, including those of the Secretariat and any remu- neration which the Council may decide to pay to its Chairman or its Vice Chairman, shall be met by annual contributions from the export- ing and importing countries. The contribution of each such country for each crop-year shall be proportionate to the number of votes held by it when the budget for that crop-year is settled. 63 STAT.]