INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. of their duties, be responsible, through the Chief of the Mission, to the Secretary of State for National Defense. ARTICLE 9. Each member of the Mission shall serve on it with the rank he holds in the United States Air Force, and wear the uniform thereof, but shall have precedence over all Haitian of- ficers of the same rank. Benefits and privi- ARTICLE 10. Each member of leges. the Mission shall be entitled to the same benefits and privileges as the Regulations of the Army Air Corps of Haiti provide for officers and enlisted men of corresponding rank, with the exception of the Po, p. 2320. provisions of Article 29. Disciplinary regula- tions. ARTICLE 11. The personnel of the Mission shall be governed by the disciplinary regulations of the United States Air Force. TITLE IV Compensation and Allowances ARTICLE 12. Members of the Mission shall receive from the Government of the Republic of Haiti such net annual compensa- tion as may be agreed upon be- tween the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Haiti for each mem- ber. This compensation shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly instalments, each due and payable on the last day of each month. Tax exemption. Such compensation shall not be subject to any tax now in effect or which may hereafter be imposed by the Government of the Repub- lic of Haiti or any administrative or political subdivision of the said Government. If, however, now or hereafter, while this Agreement is in effect, there should be any taxes that might affect that com- fonctions, seront responsables vis- a-vis du Secretaire d'Etat de la Defense Nationale, par l'inter- m6diaire du Chef de la Mission. ARTICLE 9. Chaque membre de la Mission y servira avec le grade qu'il a dans la Force a6rienne americaine. I portera l'uniforme de la Force a6rienne americaine, mais aura la pr6s6ance sur tous les officiers haitiens de meme grade. ARTICLE 10. Chaque membre de la Mission aura droit aux memes avantages et privileges que les Reglements du Corps d'Aviation de l'Armee d'Haiti pr6voient pour les officiers et enr6l6s du meme grade, exception faite des pr6- visions de Particle 29. ARTICLE 11. Le personnel de la Mission sera r6gi par les regle- ments disciplinaires de la Force aerienne americaine. TITRE IV Indemnite et Allocations ARTICLE 12. Les membres de la Mission rccevront du Gouverne- ment de la Republique d'HaIti telle indemnit6 annuelle nette qui pourra etre convenue entre les Gouvernements des Etats-Unis d'Amerique et de la Republique d'Haiti pour chaque membre. Cet- te indemnit6 sera versee en douze (12) mensualites egales, payables chacune le dernier jour de chaque mois. Cette indemnit6 ne sera sujette a aucune taxe actuellement en vigueur ou pou- vant 6tre impos6e A l'avenir par le Gouvernement de la R6publique d'Haiti ou par aucune subdivision administrative ou politique dudit Gouvernement. Si cependant, actuellement ou a l'avenir, pen- dant la dur6e du present accord, il existait certaines taxes qui pus- 2314