Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/128

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. March 14, 194 Agreement between the United States of America and Canadarespecting [T. L A.A. 19] the settlement of certainwar accounts and claims. Effected by exchange of notes signed at Washington March 14, 1949; entered into force March 14, 1949. The Secretary of State to the CanadianAmbassador Refund of excess sums by U.S. Oovern- ment. Settlement or waiver ofclaimsand ooounts. Noncovered claims and accounts. DEPARTrMNT OF STATE WASHINGTON March 14, 1949 EXCGELENCY: I have the honor to refer to discussions which representatives of my Government have concluded with representatives of your Govern- ment looking toward the final settlement of various outstanding ac- counts for the wartime procurement of supplies and services by and for our two Governments. The purpose of these discussions was to achieve a settlement of disputed and other unsettled claims remaining from the wartime supply and procurement programs of our two Governments and to obviate the necessity for long continued account- ing over the details of the remaining claims. I am informed that agreement has now been reached respecting settlement for such claims and accounts, in accordance with the following terms: 1. The sums deposited by the Government of Canada with the United States Treasury Department to cover the cost of supplies and services furnished under lend-lease and related programs, includ- ing the "Canpay" program, have exceeded the cost of such supplies and services by the sum of $3,675,000. This amount has accordingly been refunded by the Government of the United States to the Gov- ernment of Canada. 2. The claims and accounts described in paragraphs (a) and (b) below are deemed settled or are waived. Neither Government shall be obligated to make any payment or give any other consideration to the other Government in respect of such claims and accounts. (a) Claims and accounts connected with or incidental to the conduct of World War II arising out of the furnishing or procurement of supplies and services by or for either Gov- ernment after March 11, 1941 and prior to April 1, 1946. (b) Claims and accounts arising at any time out of the United States Lend-Lease program or the program of War Supplies, Ltd., procurement agency of the Government of Canada. 3. Claims and accounts involving the Commodity Credit Corpora- tion and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and its subsidiaries are not covered by this settlement. 2432