Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/155

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63 STAT.] PANAMA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAR. 31, 1949 The Government of the United States of America will render without cost to the Government of the Republic of Panama such technical advice with respect to sanitation at Tocumen National Airport as may be requested by the Government of Panama. The Government of the United States of America will make avail- able a certain communications cable for use in connection with operations at Tocumen National Airport, Panama City, and the Canal Zone, according to terms and conditions concerning the installation, operation and main- tenance of this cable for commer- cial as well as official use, which will be determined by an exchange of notes entered into this day between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Panama. ARTICLE XV It is recognized by both Govern- ments that increasing traffic of commercial, private and military aircraft, which presently operate from seven airports and seaplane bases located in close proximity on the Isthmus of Panama, requires a coordinated system of air traffic control in the interests of flight safety. It is therefore agreed that there shall be consultation between the appropriate authorities of both Governments for the purpose of establishing by mutual agreement uniform rules of the air and pro- cedures for the provision of air traffic control services and there shall be frequent consultations thereafter concerning the imple- mentation of such regulations. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America proporcionarA sin costo al Gobierno de la Re- ppublica de Panama, el consejo tecnico que el Gobierno de Pana- ma solicite sobre medidas de saneamiento y sanidad en el Aero- puerto Nacional de Tocumen. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos 'de America facilitara un cable de'comunicaciones para uso en conexi6ni con las operaciones de comunicaciones en el Aero- puerto:Nacionil de Tocumen, en la ciudad de Panam* y en la Zona del Canal,: de acuerdo con las estipulaciones y condiciones rela- tivas a ' la instalaci6n, uso y mantenimiento de este cable, para la prestaci6n del servicio tanto oficial como' comercial, las cuales se determinaran en canje de notas efectuado hoy entre los Gobiernos de los Estados Unidos de America y de la Repiblica de Panama. ARTICULO XV Ambos Gobiernos reconocen que el creciente transito de aeronaves comerciales, particulares y mili- tares, que actualmente operan desde siete aeropuertos y bases de hidroaviones ubicados en lugares muy pr6ximos entre sl en el Istmo de Panama, requiere un sistema de direcci6n coordinada de transito aereo, en beneficio de la seguridad del vuelo. Por lo tanto, se conviene en que se celebren consultas entre las au- toridades pertinentes de ambos Gobiernos, con la mira de estable- cer, de mutuo acuerdo, reglamen- tos uniformes de navegaci6n aerea y procedimientos para el estableci- miento de servicios de direcci6n del transito aereo. Se conviene, ademas, que en adelante se cele- braran consultas frecuentes rela- tivas al cumlimento de tales reglamentos. Sanitation at Toou- men National Airport. Comm unications cable. Poet, p. 2471. Air traffic control. Uniform rules of the air. 2459