Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/161

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63 STAT.] PANAMA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAR. 31, 1949 laws and regulations and who thereby become the immigration cases and responsibility, including repatriation responsibility, of the United States Government. (h) The term "cargo" includes any and all livestock, baggage, property, goods and merchandise. ARTICLE XIX The provisions of this Agree- ment shall not affect the rights and obligations of either of the two High Contracting Parties under the treaties now in force between the two countries, nor be considered as a limitation, defini- tion, restriction or restrictive in- terpretation of such rights and obligations, but without prejudice to the full force and effect of the provisions of this Agreement. ARTICLE XX graci6n de la Zona del Canal y que, con tal motive, se conviertan en casos de inmigraci6n bajo la responsabilidad, inclusive la de repatriaci6n, del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America. (h) El termino "carga" abarca todo ganado, equipaje, bienes, efectos y mercancias. ARTICULO XIX Las estipulaciones de este Con- venio no afectaran los derechos y obligaciones de cualquiera de las Altas Partes Contratantes de con- formidad con los tratados ahora vigentes entre los dos paises, ni se podra considerar como una limita- ci6n, definici6n, restricci6n, o in- terpretaci6n restrictiva de tales derechos y obligaciones, pero sin perjuicio del pleno vigor y efecto de las estipulaciones de este Con- venio. ARTICULO XX This Agreement, including the provisions of the Annex thereto, shall come into force on the day on which notice of its ratification by the Government of the Repub- lic of Panama is given to the Gov- ernment of the United States of America.['] In witness whereof, the under- signed, being duly authorized by theirrespective Governments, have signed the present Agreement. Done at the City of Panama in duplicate, in the English and Spanish languages, this thirty- first day of March, 1949. For the Government of the United States of America [SEAL] For the Government of the Re- public of Panama: [SEAL] Este Convenio, asi como las disposiciones del Anexo adjunto, entrarAn en vigor en la fecha en que se transmita al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America el aviso de su ratificaci6n por parte del Gobierno de la Repdblica de Panama. En fe de lo cual, los infrascritos, debidamente autorizados por sus respectivos Gobiernos, suscriben el presente Convenio. Hecho en la ciudad de Panama, en duplicado, en los idiomas es- pafiol e ingles, el dia trigesimo primero de marzo de 1949. Por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America: MONNETT B. DAVIS Por el Gobierno de la Republica de Panama: IONACIO MOLINO Jr 'Entered into force Apr. 14, 1949, the date on which the Panamanian Minister of Foreign Affairs notified the American Ambassador to Panama of ratification of the agreement by the Government of the Republic of Panama "Cargo." Effect on treaties now in force. Entry into force. 2465