Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/169

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63 STAT.] PANAMAL-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-MAR . 31 , 1949 (c) Up to 10 pairs of lines will be reserved for transmission of aeronautical communications between Tocumen National Air- port and the Canal Zone. (d) Air lines of the Republic of Panama and of the United States of America will be allocated pairs of lines upon application. (e) Other commercial users will be allocated pairs of lines upon application. The above allocation will be administered by an appropriate agency of the United States Government and it is understood that the allocation of lines to official or private users in Panama City will depend upon whether the local telephone company is able to make the necessary connection with the cable. (6) Lines allotted for commercial operation in accordance with Allotment of lines for commercial opera- paragraph (5) may be made available by connection to the cable by tion. any existing commercial telephone system, on terms and conditions, and at cable rental rates established by the United States of America, due consideration being given to practices in the area. Rates to be Cable rental rates. charged ultimate users of such lines shall be computed by adding the rates established by the local telephone company for Panama City service, which are approved by the Government of the Republic of Panama, to the rates charged by the Government of the United States of America for rental of lines within the cable. The Government of the Republic of Panama agrees that no special tax, charge, or sur- charge shall be imposed by the Government of Panama on such rates charged to ultimate users, except reasonable charges for any addi- tional service or services which may be provided at the request of the ultimate user. (7) Cable rental rates established by the United States of America in accordance with provisions of paragraph (6) shall be fixed at a level estimated to cover costs of maintenance of the cable and/or replacement of the cable. Such rates may be adjusted at any time and from time to time as circumstances require. Revenues derived from rental of lines within the cable to non- Collection of rev. Government users will be collected by the agency of the Government of the United States administering the cable from the commercial telephone company serving the ultimate users, and all such revenues collected will be transmitted to the Treasurer of the United States to cover costs of maintenance and/or replacement of the cable. (8) The cable shall not be used by either Contracting Party or by Transmission o power; voltage. any person, persons or entity for the transmission of power. At no time shall voltage exceed 130 volts nor shall the current exceed one ampere. The Government of the United States of America is prepared, if this proposal is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Panama, to regard the present note and Your Excellency's reply thereto as constituting an agreement between the two Governments, which shall take effect on the day on which notice of the ratification of the ffective date. aforesaid civil aviation agreement by the Government of the Republic of Panama is given to the Government of the United States of America. 2473