Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/241

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63 STAT.] ECUADOR-MILITARY AVIATION MISSION Mr-23 1949 2545 May 17, 1949 Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid- eration. For the Secretary of State: DEAN RUSK His Excellency Sefior Don AUGUSTO DILLON, Ambassador of Ecuador. The EcuadoranAmbassador to the Secretary of State EMBAJADA DEL ECUADOR WASHINGTON No. 149 17 de mayo de 1949. EXCEaLNCIA: Tengo a honra dirigirme a Vuestra Excelencia con el objeto de ex- presarle que mi Gobierno ha torado en debida consideraci6n la amable nota de usted, No. 822.20, de 23 de marzo de 1949, relativa a la renova- ci6n del Acuerdo entre nuestros dos Gobiernos sobre la Misi6n Militar Aerea de los Estados Unidos en el Ecuador. Al respecto, acabo de recibir instrucciones para manifestar a Vuestra Excelencia que el Ministerio de Defensa Nacional del Ecuador acepta las reformas propuestas por el Departamento de Estado en el Acuerdo que establece la susodicha Misi6n. Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar a Vuestra Excelencia el testimonio de mi mas alta y distinguida consideraci6n. A DILLON A. Dillon Embajadordel Ecuador A Su Excelencia el seiior DEAN AOHESON Secretario de Estado Washington, D. C . Tralsation EMBASSY OF ECUADOR WASHINGTON No. 149 May 17, 1949. EXCELLENOr: I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that my Government has given due consideration to your courteous note No. 822.20 of March 23, 1949, relative to the extension of the agreement between our two Ae. p .243. Governments on the United States Military Air Mission in Ecuador. In this connection, I have just received instructions to inform Your Excellency that the Ministry of National Defense of Ecuador accepts the amendments proposed by the Department of State in the agree- ment that establishes the aforementioned Mission.