Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/420

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63STAT.] UNITED KINGDOM-NAVAL AND AIR BASES--SPT. 19, 1949 steps as may be necessary to ensure that the supplementary area shall be vacated by them and their assignees within a period of 60 days; and thereupon, if the said supplementary lease shall not have been executed, possession of the supplementary area shall be immediately given to the United States Government pending the execution of such lease. (7) All the provisions of the Base Lease Agreement, including An- nex I to that agreement, except as may be otherwise agreed, shall become applicable to the supplementary area with effect from the date upon which the said supplementary lease becomes operative or the date upon which possession is given under the preceding paragraph, whichever shall be the earlier. (8) It is agreed that the areas described in the Second Schedule to this Agreement and defined in green on the attached Map "A" shall forthwith be leased to the United States of America by a supple- mentary lease under the provisions of Article XXVII of the Base Lease Agreement, and that such lease shall take a form similar to that set out in Annex II (6) of the Base Lease Agreement. (9) The United States Government shall have such easements as are necessary to the use and operation of wharves leased under the Base Lease Agreement and of the areas described in the said Second Schedule. PART II. CHURCHIL.L - ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY AND OTERx ROADs. Applicable pro- visions. 55 Stat. 1572. Supplementary lease. I5 Stat. 1570. Easementa. (1) It is agreed that the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway, from the point where it leaves the Eastern Main Road at Laventille to the point where it enters Waller Field, shall become the property of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago and shall be maintained by that Government as one of the Colony's public main roads. (2) It is agreed that, in order to provide a public main road from Port of Spain via the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway to Sangre Grande, the public shall have the right, subject to the provisions of Article II of the Base Lease Agreement, to use the road within Waller Field which is defined as Demerara Road on the attached map "B" and that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago shall maintain it as one of the Colony's public main roads. (3) It is agreed that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago shall resume control of that part of the Eastern Main Road which lies within Waller Field. (4) It is agreed that the public shall have the right, subject to the provisions of Article II of the Base Lease Agreement, to use those parts of the Aripo Road and of the Guanapo Road, also known re- spectively as the Amazon and Bogota roads, which lie within Waller Field, and that the Government of Trinidad and Tobago shall main- tain them at a reasonable standard. (5) It is agreed that, in the event of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago wishing to construct a bypass road to the south of Waller Field from the Churchill-Roosevelt Highway to the Eastern Main Road, the United States Government will grant the Government of Ohnrchll-Roosevelt Highway. Demeraa Road. B taLlMI. Etaern Main Road. Arlpo and Guanapo BRads ight of way within Wallr Field. 2725