Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/424

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63 STAT.] HONDURAS-HEALTH AND SANITATION-Ju. 21 2 -. 1949 Aug. 18, 24. 1949 Agreement between the United States of America and Honduras respect- ing a cooperative health and sanitationprogram i Honduras, amend- ing and extending the agreement of May aand , 194, as amended and extended. Effected by exchanges of notes signed at Tegucigalpa July 21 and 26, and August 18 and 24,1949; entered into force August S24 1949, operative retroactivelyfrom'June 0S,1949. The American Ambassador to the HonduranMinisterfor ForeignAffairs July 21, 2, 1949, and August 18, 24, 1949 [T. L A. 8.1986] THE FOREIGN sERVICE OF THE - .UNIT ED STATES OF AMERICA. No. 12 . ... .; TEGUCIGALPA, P. C ., July 21, 1949 ExCEIjjNCY: I have the honor to refer to the Basic Agreement, as amended, entered into in July 1942 between the Republic of ionduras and The Institute of Inter-American Affairs, providing for the existing cooperative health and sanitation program in Honduras. I also p.6s1 8tat. Pt. 3 refer to Your Excellency's note No. 4648 of June 30, 1949 [1] suggesting the consideration by our respective governments of a further extension of that Agreement. Considering the mutual benefits which both Governments are gra;ontribnuton deriving from the program, my Government agrees with the Govern- ment of Honduras that an extension of the program beyond its present termination date would be desirable. Accordingly, I have been advised by the Department of State in Washington that arrangements may now be made for the Institute to continue its participation in the program for a' period of one year, from June 30, 1949 through June 30, 1950. It would be understood that, during this period of extension, the Institute would make a contribution of $50,000 in the currency of the United States, to the Servicio Cooperativo Inter- Americano de Salud Publica, for use in carrying out project activities of the program, on condition that your Government would contribute to the Servicio for the same purpose the sum of not less than L500,000.. It would also be understood that were the Honduran Government not in a position to contribute L500,000, the contribution of the Institute would be at the rate of one-fifth of the amount determined by the Honduran Government. The Institute would also be willing during the same extension period to make available funds to be administered by the Institute, and not deposited to the account of the Servicio, for payment of salaries and other expenses of the members of the Health and Sanitation field staff who are maintained by the Institute in Honduras. The amounts referred to would be in addition to the sums already required under the presentBasic Agreement, as amended, stal.,' Pt. 3, to: e contributed and made available by the parties in furtherance "a' s of the program. 'Not printed. 2729