Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 63 Part 3.djvu/429

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2734 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [63 STAT. certainty for the participation of the Government. If such increase were registered, it would of course be included in our contribution. - In view of all the foregoing and for economic reasons, particularly this year, when because of the high cost of living in this country the budget voted by the National Congress included a 25% increase in all salaries of government workers, it would be materially impossible for our Government to contribute at the rate mentioned by His Excellency the American Ambassador, under instructions from the Department of State which emanate also from the Institute of Inter-American Affairs. - Our Government appreciates and is highly grateful for the cooperation offered to it by the Institute, because of the benefits which both parties derive from such cooperation, and it is for this reason that our Government willingly makes the counter-proposal set forth above. - Requesting you, Mr. Minister, to be good enough to transmit the contents of this communication to His Excellency the American Ambassador, I remain, Respectfully yours. (s) Julio Lozano, Jr. - To the Minister of Foreign Relations - His Office." I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. J. E . VALENZUELA. J. E. Valenzuela. His Excellency HERBERT S. BURSLEY, Ambassador Extraordinaryand Plenipotentiary of the United States of America. American Embassy. The Honduran Alinisterfor ForeignAffairs to the American Ambassador BECRETARIA DE RELACIONES EXTERIORES DE LA REPUBLICA DE HONDURAS PALAcIO NACIONAL: No. 762. Tegucigalpa, D.C ., 18 de agosto de 1949. EXCELENCIA: En relaci6n con mi nota No. 362 de 26 de julio ultimo, dirigida a esa Honorable Embajada, tengo el honor de trascribir a Vuestra Excelencia el oficio que dice: "MINISTERIO DE GOBERNACION, JUSTICIA, SANIDAD Y BENE- FICENCIA-Of. No. 897-Tegucigalpa, D.C ., agosto 18 de 1949- Sefior Ministro:-Ruego a usted hacer saber a Su Excelencia el Senor Embajador Americano, los deseos de nuestro Gobierno de que el Servicio Cooperativo Interamericano de Salud Pdblica (SCIsP) continue este afo econ6mico en curso con la administraci6n del Sanatorio Nacional para Tuberculosos, conforme'el Proyecto # 55, a cuyo efecto ha sido aprobada la suma de (L. 214,880.00) DOSCIENTOS